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What is the longest you have played didj continuously using circular breathing (without any break in the sound at all)?
Please share your experience of playing didj continuously for long periods of time?

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What is the longest you have played didj continuously using circular breathing (without any break in the sound at all)?

Please share your experience of playing didj continuously for long periods of time?

Brad from USA Never tried I still need to try. Will follow your directions for producing a PVC test didj.
Anonymous Tried but no sound I played for hours in the dream I had last night... I think I remember playing...
Cody from USA 5-10 min It was pretty hard at first but I got use to it
Craig from Canada 40-50 min Pure trance
Greg from Australia Can play but not circular Love the sound and enchantment just need to perfect the circular breathing technique. Am persistent so will happen any day now. can circular breath without the didj so
Anonymous from Spain 3 hours + Amazing and indescribable but I'll try. You travel without moving. I'm not talking metaphorically like about astral projection and all that no you travel but you don't go anywhere - literally. Well at least I do. Oh it's quite tiring too but in a very warm and comfortable kind of way. and you immerse yourself completely in the sound. I went blind once or at least I stopped paying attention to what my eyes where seeing.
Lisa from USA 10-15 min I can't wait to try this for long periods
Anonymous 30-40 min Much easier than bagpipes! More relaxing too. Playing longer helps me to focus and relax (and drool).
Matt Charbonneau from Canada 1 hour + Great! Extreme sense of calm while playing. At about 15 minutes in I can really get into the groove and close my eyes and drift off outside of myself. My lips go numb after awhile and lack of saliva/moisture in my mouth makes it more difficult to do overtones. Afterwards a sense of total happiness and a heightened awareness. Full deep breathes help strengthen my lungs and makes asthma much much easier to deal with. Also it helps clear phlegm from my throat.
Anonymous 40-50 min ITS AWESOME
Matthew from USA 20-25 min On my little didj which is only 3 ft. long and 1.25 inches wide I can play seemingly forever and circular breathing is a snap. The hours just drop away. On my big didj which is 5 ft. long and two inches wide I've not yet been able to keep things going for long periods.
Anonymous Up to 2 min I'm getting there. A little better every day.:)
Nic Wright from Australia Up to 2 min Numb lips very relaxing calms the mind
Simon Tannock from Australia 5-10 min Well I don't think that 6 or so minutes is a very long time but I often play for about an hour with as few gaps as possible. There is definitely a sense of serenity and peace that comes to you from didjing for a decent length of time. The last ten minutes is always better than the first 50.
Stefano Brutti from Italy 30-40 min Thanks the Didgeridoo your health and your mind is better! It help you through circular respiration. I like try to find new sound experience every time.
Stephan from USA 2-5 min That's why I am starting to search for a good didj that I can play continuously with in my family's drum circles.
Steve from USA 20-25 min Internally focusing externally connected or "one with" the didge. As MY mood and energy changes so does the sound smooth raspy slow fast mild aggressive ethereal... Other times IT takes me.
Thomas Ryan from USA 10-15 min Once you're on a roll you can't stop but once when you have to stop its a screeching stop. Usually from a bad rhythm that emerged that completely destroyed the improv.
Tony from USA 10-15 min Note: My other didge is an agave didge crafted in the USA. Circular breathing is an integral part of my meditative practice. It helps clear my mind and focus my awareness. It can be frustrating for others in my local didge group that are not able to do it--they seem to think it's the end-all be-all of playing and they miss the value of playing without the circular breathing.

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