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"In your opinion what is the most important thing our Western society could learn from Aboriginal people?"

On this page you can read the answers our visitors gave to this question as part of our yearly visitor surveys, where you can win great prizes.
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Name and Country

In your opinion what is the most important thing our Western society could learn from Aboriginal people?

Aaron Ritchie from New Zealand How to live in harmony with and respect mother earth
Adam from Canada The important connections that exist with nature and the tribal/community mentality.
Amy from USA History/culture
Andreas from Germany The art of the Aborigines the traditional music the traditions of Aboriginal peoples "dream-time"
Anonymous Not to be so materialistic
Anonymous from United Kingdom Music
Anonymous from USA Respect for the land.
Brian from USA Natural lifestyle
Carl from USA Respect life and nature
Anonymous Wild and naive thinking and way of being
Chris from USA I believe we could learn a few thing from the aboriginal culture. They are a peaceful nature loving tribe and America is full of people who just loathe the environment. The Aborigines can entertain and support themselves when most Americans need government and welfare to live their lives.
Christopher from Australia The concept of living in harmony with the land not viewing it as a limitless resource.
Clayton from USA Insight to life and living and all that surrounds us.
Anonymous from USA Appreciate the earth.
Dan from USA To be more resourceful without compromising the environment in the process. The Aborigines are adept at survival and don't need more or less than they currently have. What we need to learn from them is just that be content with what earth has given you and don't destroy earth in the process of survival.
Anonymous Family
Anonymous from USA Being in harmony with their natural surroundings
Debbie from USA The Aboriginal people's earth and spirit connection...working hand in hand with nature
Dixie from USA More about the history of the Aborigine people their traits( lineage) trails and accomplishments and their lives and families and their teachings.
Eddie from USA Their forms of art can teach us a thing or two about the beauty that lives around us.
Eddy from Portugal To learn from nature and listen to what it's telling us.
Erin from USA Connection to the natural world
Evan from USA Sense of pride both socially and family
Anonymous from Italy Empathy with nature
Anonymous Connections with nature.
Frank from United Kingdom Respect for the land and it's animals.
Anonymous The way of life in coexistence with nature rather than exploiting it.
Anonymous from Namibia Tradition and Culture
James from USA Don't know
Anonymous Everything
Jim from USA Land management and conservation.
Anonymous History
Jiri from Czech Republic Naturalism clear and simple life
John from Canada Sustainability awareness of nature and signs/meanings that can assist our living.
Josh Darr from USA I think that we could learn that it is possible to live without the complete use of technological advancements. That we can still thrive with just the simpler things in life.
Josh from Australia Learning to love our land and using it instead of abusing it.
Anonymous To respect and be aware of one's own heritage/culture
Anonymous That all life grows and lives together in a balance. The Aboriginal people believe that we do no own the earth but that we are simply the caretakers of it. Doing damage to our surroundings only does damage to ourselves.
Keith from China (pr) The fact that we should live in harmony with nature rather than against it
Kerry from USA Spiritual connection with nature
Kris Hill from USA They are as valuable as the western culture!
Anonymous Technology isn't always best
Kylie from Australia History of australia aboriginals
Lara from Australia Everything!!!!
Lars from Denmark Basics and origin of life and what matters in life
Anonymous How to live a slower life and not rush so much.
Anonymous from French Polynesia Humility
Anonymous How to respect other people and nature.
Max Jackson from USA I cannot answer this honestly. I have not been to Australia or met more than one Australian Aboriginal person. Playing the didge has taught me great lessons about patience and insight and listening to nature.
Melinda from Australia To think more of the group than of the self
Mitch from USA Their belief system and how they experience the world
Nicholas Clarke from USA The timelessness of a people. How to live for ten thousand years on nothing
Paul Bishop from USA A better balance between our lives as humans and the reality of our place as it relates to the natural world
Phoenix from USA You don't need everything to be happy.
Anonymous Living in connection with nature
Robson Castilho from Brazil The harmony and respect for Mother Earth
Ronny Birk from Norway Taking care of the nature and understand the nature. Dreamtime.
Stan from USA To live at peace with the Planet and to be happy with less possessions.
Stan from Canada The wisdom and knowledge that has been passed down from the elders. As with most indigenous peoples I believe that there is great value in their ways of living learning and healing medicines by living in harmony with mother earth and all her creatures.
Steve Mcdonnell from USA Live in harmony with the Earth.
Virginia Manning from USA The continuity of culture
Walker from USA Interconnectedness with nature.
Anonymous Respect

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