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"In your opinion what is the most important thing our Western society could learn from Aboriginal people?"

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In your opinion what is the most important thing our Western society could learn from Aboriginal people?

Adam Snow from USA How to live in harmony with the land instead of the land conforming to what we want. That's what we Americans can learn from our natives and it's what we all can learn from the Aborigines. After all they've been doing it for 60 000 years.
Anonymous from Cyprus Their respect and direct sense of nature.
Alan Murdoch from Australia Ancient knowledge if it still survives. That would have great value other than that cooperation mutual support and respect for each other and the earth.
Anonymous Filosofia esencial de la vida
Anonymous from Switzerland Learn to appreciate what nature gives as!
Andrew from USA It is important to learn there culture and understand the way they live.
Anonymous Harmony with the Land.
Anthony from USA Long lost respect for nature
Betty from USA The spirit of helping someone with out some form of recognition
Bill from United Kingdom Respect for nature.
Brendan from USA A blend of western culture with the tradition of "the dreaming." A little acceptance goes a long way.
Carol from USA The reality of Interdependence
Carolyn from Canada We desperately need to learn to respect our natural world and to live harmoniously with it.
Anonymous from Canada Values integrity stewardship
Anonymous Dream time the alternate reality within our minds and its effects on our lives. The art needs more support. I am sad to see it "displayed" in museum basements. If it was easier to find it would influence the conscious of artists all over the world.
Anonymous The culture
David from USA How to play the Didge!
Anonymous from USA What sustains their culture
Anonymous from USA History
Anonymous from Canada The importance of the connection between a people and their land.
Donna Waterman from USA How to live in peace with others. How to live in peace with self. Finding strength in the land.
Eric from Belgium I don't know much about Aboriginal society the few I know makes me think that we should learn respect for the planet Earth and re-discover that we all are her children. Let's share what we've got without forgetting where we are from.
Anonymous from United Kingdom Respect for the land
Jean Bruce from USA An increased reverence and appreciation of nature and natural resources.
Jesus Antonio from Mexico Love
John Byram from USA Western society needs to learn how to respect the land and give as much as we take from it. Western society needs to learn this from all native peoples.
Anonymous from Ireland Culture
Julia Lee from USA Their love and respect for the land
Karolina from USA How to live purely. Be in touch with the surrounding elements of our habitation and through this be more in touch with our own natural being.
Kenneth from USA Love and respect for nature.
Lawrence Lee from USA Patience and healing
Linda Easley from USA How to live on/with the land
Matthew Lepage from USA The most important thing our Western society could learn from Aboriginal people is appreciation among cultures.
Michel Cabardos from Canada That all peoples bring a value to the world in the case of Australian Aboriginal one is the unique music.
Anonymous A deeper appreciation for nature
Anonymous The importance of a different ancient and rich culture
Patrick from USA Culture
Paul Rogers from Germany Self control and patience.
Anonymous Appreciation of the land and nature.
Rita Miller from Canada That being a human means understanding the world we live in. Learning about its creatures and their behaviour better helps us to understand ourselves. In turn we perceive more truthfully how to live peaceably together and how to be a caring individual as an inhabitant of this planet.
Anonymous To work together
Ryan from Australia Sense of community and kinship. How to live with the earth rather than on it
Anonymous from USA The importance of respecting land and different concepts of Dreamstate.
Anonymous There are so many things I can't really see a way to star the answer..probably I can't do it. Western society is too full of hypocrisy false idols and stupid points of view about leaving with the world that we definitely can't learn something that can really change something.
Shaun from United Kingdom Life in harmony with cultural environment
Shawn from USA Survival
Anonymous How to live with your land.
Anonymous from Canada Story Telling.
Taira from Canada To act and live in cohesion with one another and with our land. Respect for everything and everyone around us. unity
Terry from USA Aboriginal culture shows westerners like myself how well life could be lived without being so materialistic and how much joy can be found with simplicity.
Trevor from USA The importance of sustainable living.
Anonymous How to love and respect the Mother all her spirit creatures and each other as custodians of the land.
Anonymous Agricultural and environmental sustainability
Wesley from Canada A feeling of pride in our fundamental abilities.
Zach from USA Respect for nature.

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