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How many times have you been to Australia?
How many times have you met Australian Aboriginal people?
Please share your perceptions and impressions of Australian Aboriginal people

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Name and Country How many times have you been to Australia? How many times have you met Australian Aboriginal people? Please share your perceptions and impressions of Australian Aboriginal people
George Carl from USA Never 3 They were very cool
Peter from USA Never Never Love the culture and the philosophy.
Anonymous from Australia Aus 10+ I love aboriginal people. They are the reason why Australia is the way it is and they are the heart of our culture
Brandon from USA Never 1 Very unique and kind. The person I met was very friendly.
Aidan from Germany Never Never Well I've recently met two Australian girls who have done a lot of work with the Aboriginal people. Their situation among them was to make sure they came to work help in times of domestic violence and basically all around hard times. I wasn't aware of the apparent struggle! But the Aboriginal walkabouts still amaze me und ich kann nicht bis mein warten baby!!
Richard from USA Never Never Very spiritual
Ricardo Tabares from USA Never Never I would stand next to any Aboriginal!
Michael from USA Never Never Very rugged outdoors people
Anonymous Never 2 Warm very friendly and genuine.
Matthew from USA Never Never I cant say to much about them having never met them I do know I like their instruments and art work.
Anonymous Never Never Oppressed
Chris Wyatt from USA Never 1 Misunderstood extremely intelligent people who are looked down upon by big city people as second class citizens.
Remo from Switzerland Never Never I'm always impressed about their interaction with the nature. The aboriginal culture is mystical and opens a window to spiritual developing.
Anonymous Never Never The sound and act awesome as much as you see the stars on tv...they come off as great people...just like Oregonians
David from USA Never Never People that have a rich heritage and deep connection with the land.
James from USA Never Never I have read about the aboriginal people and their culture my impression is that they are an enlightened culture and their connectedness to Mother Earth and father sky is vast. There is much to learn from their history and culture.
Anonymous from USA Never Never Wish I've met them only on TV!!
Joseph from USA Never Never I have always been fascinated with Australia. I was in the 5th grade and had the honor of doing a paper one Australia and the history of aboriginal tribes I just fell in love from that day forward. I hope one day to bring my family for a visit when we can afford it of course.
Ian Greenspan from South Africa 1 1 They are beautiful people with open hearts.
Anonymous 1 10+ My overall impression was that they aren't different from anybody else really. They are a human being just like every body else. Their culture is very interesting and really in tune with the earth. I also love their language.
Tim from Germany Never Never I've seen a lot of Australia and I think this country is very interesting! I Love the customs my father also like the culture and the Aborigines. He told me many thinks about the Aborigines and other cultures. I'm very interested in this cultures and like the Lifestyle of them.
Anonymous from Australia 2 1 Not understand by the modern society
Roanne from USA Never Never My perceptions are that they are very connected to nature. They are spiritual.
Carolyn Goldman from USA 1 Never I was born in Australia but was brought over to the United States at 9 months of age. My mother told me that the Aborigines were quite remarkable and amazing but I have never been back to Australia to meet them -- I would love to do so.
Mark from Australia Aus 10+ I am Aboriginal from my dad's side of the family and am very passionate about our culture.
David Hydock from USA Never Never I have an open mind and appreciate all tribal cultures. They are the soul of Australia and it is important that their culture survives
Rob from Australia Aus 10+ Hard working honest genuinely friendly
Luke Humphries from Australia Aus 10+ Being of Aboriginal ancestry (gundungurra nation) I see Aboriginal people in a positive light. Oppressed people with many stuck in a cycle of poverty though hold a deep connection to the land and flora and fauna and many elders a wise and gentle bunch.
Delphi from Australia Aus 10+ In me Aboriginal people are humble souls resourceful trusting strong connected respectful & aware of our earth & her needs. simplicity in heart Beautiful... Misunderstood judged hurt long suffered.. Stand Tall & Proud.. Love * Healing..
Anonymous Never Never Como no conozco su cultura no puedo dar mi impresion... pero me gustaria mucho viajar a australia y conocer su cultura.
Anonymous Never Never Nunca encontrei nenhum
Edward from USA Never Never I'm afraid there aren't many Australian Aboriginal people in South Florida so I've never had the chance to meet any. My perceptions are based mostly on what I've read in National Geographic and how they've been portrayed in movies. My opinion is that they are good-hearted spiritual people. From my readings it would seem they share a socio-economically disadvantaged situation similar to some of the United State's Native and Black Americans.
Anonymous Never Never I think the Australian Aborigines are a very unique group of people. Their costumes and beliefs are also unique as well as their art.
Anonymous Never Never I love their culture and spiritualism!
Christopher from USA 1 3 Great people and culture land and music
Anonymous Never Never They are remarkable they have the oldest history the oldest art and for me the bast way of living - TOGETHER WITH NATURE!
Kevin Kelly from Australia Aus 10+ They are first nations people and I always treat elders who in my opinion are very wise and and hold a wealth of knowledge and it would be a shame to lose it
Anonymous from Australia Aus 10+ I love them. I've had the opportunity to teach many Aboriginal Australians. They are down to earth excited about learning and enjoy life.
Anonymous from Hong Kong Aus 5-6 I grew up in Melbourne but now live in HK. Very talented people in art culture and spot
Peter Huber from Germany Never 5-6 Open and friendly conversation very interested to cultural and historical things
Winston Cross from Australia Aus 10+ Friendly fun loving and mystical
Anonymous Aus 10+ I went to school with some worked in AB studies meet a lot of wonderful Aboriginal people at QUT.
Alasdair Hamilton from United Kingdom 1 10+ Amazing I live in United Kingdom my dads Australian makes me half Aussie. Off to see my family again in July. Haven't seen my Nan since I was 2
Caroline from Australia Aus 10+ I love their culture most are lovely people. I love their art & music.
Elaine from Australia Aus 10+ I have lived and worked with some lovely Aboriginal people. I don't tend to see a difference they are just one of us with some great stories
Anonymous from Turkey Never Never They are the real people from dream-time
Teresa from Canada Never Never Love them!
Anonymous Never Never There my people across the big water! I'm Mescalero Apache
Javier Axpe De La Maza from Spain Never Never They are completely integrated with Nature.
Anonymous from United Kingdom Never Never Genuine people who acre about their heritage and country

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