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"In your opinion what is the main difference between Aboriginal and Western society?"

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In your opinion what is the main difference between Aboriginal and Western society?

Antoine from Colombia Aboriginal society integrated with their surroundings nature animals...western society alienated from nature and animals (mass hunting secluded in concrete jungle...)
Arun from New Zealand Being
Anonymous More "civilization" of the western society.. this consists of work and timing
Brock from USA There lack of the greediness for money and knowing what's really important
Carl Martinez from USA Difference is language self imposed differences. City westerners and aboriginals are the same as too county westerners and aboriginals share the land.
Anonymous Not as caught up in time and stress
Anonymous from USA Where they live! In the end we're all people that breathe air drink water and bleed red.
Chris Bailey from New Zealand Culture and community.
Chris Miller from USA Utilizing your surroundings and not wasting resources and destroying mother nature
Anonymous from India Aboriginal culture is so close to nature. without nature it doesn't exist. it is based on community too whereas western culture is based on the individual.
Dana from USA The aboriginal peoples have kept their souls.
Anonymous from USA Aboriginal society in its purest form has not become as corrupted as western society.
Darren from Australia Respect for land and nature and spirit. respect for Elders and law.
David from USA The difference is the primary outlook and understanding of nature. Aboriginal people I believe are in harmony with nature while western culture views nature as a resource to be consumed.
David Lassio from USA I think the Aboriginal People are one with the Earth and live accordingly to their cultures and belief's. In Western Society we are a bit ahead of ourselves in the sense we are always in a hurry to do normal things we need to stop and smell the Roses so to speak.
Donald from USA In the west we rely on technology and the Aboriginal cultures rely on their understanding of their surroundings.
Anonymous from USA I do not know of any Aboriginal war against Western Society in Australia
Anonymous Finding fulfillment in life and altering the mind into something unique.
Fred Simon from United Kingdom Lifestyle
Gary Niki from USA Connection to earth & nature and fast paced with little connection to nature
Goran from Croatia/Hrvatska Aboriginals are more connected to nature
Grady Karp from USA A respect for the earth.
Hans Eirik from Norway They live by the nature and they can survive much longer than western people in the nature and the dessert
Anonymous from Australia Western- individual based aboriginal - community/family based
Anonymous More nature oriented
Jacob from USA There are many however most prominent is probably place of importance on currency and possessions.
James from USA Actually nothing we all live grow love and die.
Jamie from USA Western society is spoiled and arrogant.
Jason from USA Technology
Anonymous Basic Human Compassion
Jessica Wilson from Canada Our family background ( Who are parents and grandparents etc. are and what they went experienced )
Jim from USA Probably different personal goals.
Anonymous Western society is too money orientated for the here and now with no regard for the future of the people or land
Anonymous Its the culture and respect to nature
Jonathan from Australia Indigenous Australians respect understand and manage their land. Western society is in complete contrast to this.
Joseph Carringer from USA The relationship and view of humans place in nature. Western conquer nature aboriginal and most indigenous native cultures consider themselves one with nature
Joy from USA They are more in tune with nature
Justin from USA Old ways
Anonymous from Australia Aboriginal society believes in living collectively in harmony with nature. Western society is individualistic.
Keith from USA The differences in cultural outlook on the need for technological advancement.
Keith from Ireland Different beliefs & levels of technology
Kenneth from Australia I'm not entirely sure. I think that it depends on the aboriginal person. I've worked with quite a few and they are all too varied to homogenise. I suspect it all boils down to how they have been brought up and the opportunities that they have been given.
Laura from USA Aboriginal society is less of a melting-pot and more true to their origins
Lauren from USA Traditions and beliefs.
Licia from USA The difference is western living is nig cities technology processed everything while the aboriginal life is simple and they know how to survive and feed them selves and culture dating back that a lot of westerners have lost
Lindsay from USA Holistic/earth based/god/goddess view vs. left brain nature as thing to be subjugated view
Luke from Canada Aboriginals in my experience are more laid back and relaxed.
Anonymous There is no difference. Both societies have mores and values distinct to that society.
Margaret from USA If I hear correctly spirits say the dominant Western culture took a wrong turn. The greed to possess and having too many offspring are critical errors. (But here I am using a computer and considering saving up to buy one of your Didjes my old one I beaded having burned in a house fire.)
Anonymous Values
Matt from USA So much simpler
Michael Benner from USA Aboriginals understand where they fit in. Their cosmology is Harmony. Westerners generally have no idea who they are or what they're for. They live is discord.
Michael from Germany The western society lost there roots.
Mike from USA The focus on remembering our source for all things is the universe.
Milos from Slovakia Aboriginals are more connected with the nature western society misuses nature for its own benefit
Nathan from USA Western society seems to be arrogant and unwilling to attempt to understand. Aboriginals are pretty open (least they were to me) and have one amazing culture!
Anonymous from Australia Community tradition culture.
Anonymous La société occidentale a perdu toute notion de respect
Paul Gristwood from United Kingdom They can see life working well with little need to change our natural world for they believe our world to be a living entity that should be honoured so believe in working with it.. western society generally believe our world a place to change and take from to sustain needs we don't really need so there is little respect for our world...
Richard Appleton from USA Greed
Richard Hinkel from Us Minor Outlying Islands Greed vs. Simplicity
Richard from USA Values
Robin Dark from United Kingdom Understanding of where they come from their heritage
Robyn from Canada Consumerism vs a spiritual way of life
Russ from USA Western society seems to want things aboriginal society seems to be content with what they have
Anonymous from USA Priorities
Anonymous Respect for nature
Scot Magnuson from USA Aboriginal - Adheres to lifestyle and culture without giving up what nature and earth provides. Western society - Rapid change in growth and culture. Taking over what nature nor mankind cannot replace.
Scott from USA Technology!
Sean from New Zealand Looking after our planet
Seth from USA I think it would be the entire culture. Europeans lived in an area that was easy to develop with many good resources so we became very technologically advanced compared to the rest of the world. But the Aboriginals have adapted to their own environments and conquered it when Westerners would quickly die in the wild. So the culture may be different but it is due to the environment and what each group needed to survive.
Anonymous I had a friend once who was part aboriginal. He was the most honest sincere person I have ever met. I miss him dearly. I think the sincerity of their people is something we in the western world lack.
Anonymous from USA Western society is greedy pushing on every culture that has something they want. Aboriginal people live off the land and love mother earth. I believe in this.
Anonymous from Australia Connection to the land or country.
Anonymous Aboriginal peoples have made a choice through time to maintain their connection to their spirituality environment cultural ways. I'm sure many are 'modernized' peoples but the choice to not become part of the technology blend that westerners become...where we all loose our cultural identities.
Tim from Japan Living in harmony with the land v/s not living in harmony with the land
Xavier Bellay from France An outstretched hand to the other

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