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"In your opinion what is the most important thing our Western society could learn from Aboriginal people?"

On this page you can read the answers our visitors gave to this question as part of our yearly visitor surveys, where you can win great prizes.
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Name and Country

In your opinion what is the most important thing our Western society could learn from Aboriginal people?

Antoine from Colombia Cherish the land through different ceremonies (music art...). Sense of community...
Arun from New Zealand How to be
Anonymous Peace of mind
Brock from USA The respect they have on the environment.
Carl Martinez from USA Western people can learn that people are generally the same and It's really city and country that divides people.
Anonymous How to honour the land we live on
Anonymous from USA Preservation of and care/respect for the natural world that we share with other living things is at least one of the most important if not THE most important Aboriginal mind set that I wouldn't mind seeing a bit more of in western society.
Chris Bailey from New Zealand To live off the land build strong communities and love indigenous culture and music.
Chris Miller from USA Care for the land
Anonymous from India Sustainability. contentment. stop to eat the planet!
Dana from USA How to remember where they came from.
Anonymous from USA Their love for their planet and environment.
Darren from Australia Belonging to land not land belonging to us. Protection of land for future. Culture of peace and spirit
David from USA How to live a real life
David Lassio from USA The Culture that has been passed down over the generations.
Donald from USA How to live with nature not try to control it. How to live from the land and put down the IPOD.
Anonymous from USA How to live without imparting such a mark on our natural environment.
Anonymous The importance of keeping the tradition of culture.
Fred Simon from United Kingdom Culture
Gary Niki from USA Connection to the earth & nature
Goran from Croatia/Hrvatska Peace
Grady Karp from USA How to live efficiently and in harmony
Hans Eirik from Norway To live in harmony with people and the nature
Anonymous from Australia Respect and understanding of the land
Anonymous They are survivors
Jacob from USA The zen-like attitude and perspective that comes from playing and listening to the didgeridoo.
James from USA Respect for wild life and the land
Jamie from USA Honoring and maintaining cultural ties through preservation of ancestry.
Jason from USA History and culture of the human race. Respect for nature.
Anonymous Self Reliance
Jessica Wilson from Canada Respect for life death and birth A deeper connection with our ancestors our creator and nature The use of herbal medicine Ceremony and prayer
Jim from USA Simpler way of living.
Anonymous Truth trust how to look after our environment and live at one with nature
Anonymous Respect from culture and the arts of indigenous people.
Jonathan from Australia Resource management.
Joseph Carringer from USA To coexist with nature in a symbiotic relationship and realize that we miss so much of our own experience by distracting ourselves with to much modern media.
Joy from USA Survival in a relatively hostile land
Justin from USA I don't know anything about Aboriginal people.
Anonymous from Australia Respect mother earth and not be materialistic. Living and sharing collectively.
Keith from USA Respect for the land
Keith from Ireland Harmony with the land
Kenneth from Australia That they are simply people like everyone else. They should not be held to have a higher standard of spirituality nor should they have a lesser status of humanity. Their needs and wants are similar to ours.
Laura from USA Honoring traditions and staying close to nature
Lauren from USA Their way of life and treatment and respect of the environment around them.
Licia from USA Survival skills and respecting nature as more people should
Lindsay from USA Their traditional healing methods and oral histories of the origin of humanity
Luke from Canada To respect our environment
Anonymous Use of the land
Margaret from USA How to live in harmony with the land.
Anonymous How to take care of this planet.
Matt from USA How to avoid raping the planet of it's natural resources
Michael Benner from USA Every single individual is part of the One Life.
Michael from Germany Back to earth.
Mike from USA Our connection with nature and universe
Milos from Slovakia Appreciation of the nature
Nathan from USA Wilderness survival. I love talking to natives who know how to survive off their surroundings. This information is good for anyone and everyone.
Anonymous from Australia Community living and the importance of tradition culture and peaceful living.
Anonymous Aucune
Paul Gristwood from United Kingdom That nature should be respected and protected and looked to for answers.. That ancient cultures should also be respected protected and looked to for wisdom....
Richard Appleton from USA How to live together as well as to look after your land
Richard Hinkel from Us Minor Outlying Islands Connectedness to the planet.
Richard from USA How to use the natural resources without destroying them
Robin Dark from United Kingdom To live in tune with the land
Robyn from Canada To appreciate nature
Russ from USA To live well with what the environment has to offer rather than wanting so many things from outside your own environment.
Anonymous from USA Living in simplicity and without wanting more. Being satisfied with their needs being met.
Anonymous How to survive in the outback
Scot Magnuson from USA Their ability to keep their culture original in manufacture and methods.
Scott from USA Appreciation of our natural resources.
Sean from New Zealand How to treat our environment
Seth from USA When I encounter a new culture I am immediately drawn to their music and their cuisine. I love engaging in these parts of a culture because they are so intrinsic to what makes a culture unique. But maybe even more than that I love learning about their mythologies and legends. Around the world people groups have a wide variety of myths and yet they all have similar strains as well. I think people should learn from the legends so they can see how all people share a common father and mother and that Aboriginal people are no different from European humans besides their unique culture.
Anonymous How to stay true within their culture
Anonymous from USA To stay out of other peoples way of life. Stop trying to make people think like they do.
Anonymous from Australia Connection to the land! It is a sad fact that we have lost this connection we can no longer navigate track animals and survive without a host of gadgets. We no longer have any bush skills. Generally Euro-Australian culture is artificial and materialistic with no [or limited at best] connection to country.
Anonymous Spiritual traditions handed down from their ancients and their values that support Mother Earth.
Tim from Japan How to live with the land and wildlife
Xavier Belay from France Living conscientiously with Nature

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