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"In your opinion what is the most important thing our Western society could learn from Aboriginal people?"

On this page you can read the answers our visitors gave to this question as part of our yearly visitor surveys, where you can win great prizes.
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Name and Country

In your opinion what is the most important thing our Western society could learn from Aboriginal people?

Anonymous How to use the land around us to live without destroying it.
Alexandre Uebersax from Switzerland In my opinion what our "Western society" could learn from Aboriginal people is their history their traditions their art
Anonymous To accept their culture and not frown upon it because the Western society needs to learn to accept cultures even if they differ greatly.
Anonymous Link to nature
Anonymous from Finland Respect for the nature surrounding us.
Betty from USA Wisdom
Bob from USA Respect nature and see the interconnectedness of all things.
Anonymous from USA No clue
Anonymous from USA How to value the things of life and just how to have a good time!
Anonymous from USA Sustainable living
Clay from USA Helping people shift perception to a more aware and less complicated mind set.
Anonymous Respect for natural surroundings.
Dale from USA We could benefit from being more in touch with the planet and the sense of people being related to each other as a family of man.
Daniel Glancy from New Zealand To reground themselves with the planet
Anonymous from USA Connection with nature
David from Canada I suppose I have more to learn because this isn't something I can answer in any deep way! My concept of Aboriginal is being created in a very distant way through the didj - respect for environment and natural processes (which create the didj) connection to tradition (the earliest didj playing to the most recent) a tribal connection to music and dance and community a deeper sense of listening.....
Dawn from USA To be more self reliant
Anonymous from Canada How to make the most of life
Don Fecteau from USA Spiritual connection to nature
Anonymous How to live on the land and don't have all the things that we think are necessary for life
Anonymous from Canada How to live simply and by using the land very economically.
Edward Guertin from USA How to live in harmony with nature.
Anonymous That aborigines love their children just like whites does.
Anonymous Their cultural heritage
Hal Stepanich from USA Inner peace
Anonymous Simpler can be better and that the family unit is priceless.
Anonymous How to live in harmony with the Earth.
James Miller from USA Traditional arts & medicines
Anonymous How to get along
Anonymous Their history with the land and survival in an area that can be so inhospitable. How their people adjusted to different weather and situations and survived the outback.
Anonymous from USA Man's relationship with nature.
Jezz from United Kingdom The concept of not 'owning' items more that you are using them whilst you need them. When one does not need the item anymore someone who does need it will use it. (Same if you have 2 items you only need one...)
Jim Robinson from USA Music
Joey Peter from USA To be more in touch with each other and have more of a connection with nature
Anonymous Peace
John from USA Living in tune with nature.
Anonymous from USA Common sense
Joni Huuhtanen from Finland Respect for nature?
Julie Bothmer-yost from USA Becoming more "in tune" with nature more considerate towards the Earth and wildlife.
Julie from USA The interconnection with family spirituality and nature
Anonymous How to live with nature
Keano Martinez from USA Their Spirituality.
Anonymous Values
Kevin Cote from Canada Connection to the earth
Anonymous To relax and contemplate spirit versus the materialism that dominates western mindsets.
Kevin from USA Living in harmony
Kim-adrian Rasmussen from Norway Peace love and nature
Anonymous from Canada To love and appreciate the land we have.
Anonymous from USA If western society would begin to connect to the earth and her creatures with a fraction of the reverence and connectedness of the Aboriginal people and adopt their sacred sounding our world as we know it would radically change.
Marilyn from USA Western society could learn to take pride in their work accomplishments instead of wanting everything handed to them because they feel they deserve it.
Mark Niglas from Canada Spirituality and connection with nature. We are often too preoccupied with trivial things to appreciate the beauty around us.
Anonymous History/culture
Anonymous To respect the earth the right way
Anonymous from USA To learn that our world moves too fast. And we don't stop to look at what is around us. Thoreau talked about how we should stop moving so fast and look around and be a transcendentalist
Anonymous How to get along with each other
Anonymous More about didgeridoos the instrument is not familiar amongst all
Anonymous They are showing to be the oldest society on the planet we should respect and learn from them.
Rob from USA To live off the land/ to save the environment
Anonymous from USA They are strong willed and never give up.
Anonymous Tenacity
Stanley from USA Life pacing and spiritual context.
Stephen from USA How to get high naturally.
Steven Harnie from Reunion Island Way of life
Susan Alles from USA Simplicity
Susan from USA Simplicity.
Anonymous To live in harmony with the land instead of trashing it to our present needs.
Sylvain from French Polynesia The western society can only learn of aborigines just listen and learn from older
Tanner Saylor from USA The true value of the things the earth has to offer to us.
Tim from USA Probably actual survival skills concerning living off land and surviving without technology.
Trevor from Canada I happen to be half-Aboriginal Canadian and I think the most important thing would be to defeat stereotypes.
Zachary from USA The pace their world is set in

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