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What is the longest you have played didj continuously using circular breathing (without any break in the sound at all)?
Please share your experience of playing didj continuously for long periods of time?

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What is the longest you have played didj continuously using circular breathing (without any break in the sound at all)?

Please share your experience of playing didj continuously for long periods of time?

Anonymous from Belgium 10-15 min Itchy nose breathing made so regular and smooth kind of a "feeling high" stop snoring and made friends!
Anonymous 1 hour + Playing the didj for a long time puts you into a relaxed state of mind
Anssi from Finland 15-20 min After few minutes you start to "slip out of time" when you can't really tell how long you have been playing. Afterwards you feel very relaxed and at ease.
Brennan from USA 30-40 min I'm kind of a beginner but I've been playing for 3 and a half years and I'm self taught
Brett Macfarlane from Canada Can play but not circular I have found that the longer I play the more in tune with my didge I become. I have a favorite that has a mouth piece that allows me to play for longer periods with out hurting my lips. My cheaper versions do not have this. I find I use the sound as meditation to aid me in vision journeys.
Brian from USA Can play but not circular I am a proud new owner of an Aboriginal didgeridoo (gift) so I'm learning how to play it....give me time
Cheryl from USA Can play but not circular I haven't really played for long periods of time yet. I just started recently both out of a desire to learn the instrument and also as a form of sleep apnea therapy. The longest I've played at once has been about 20 minutes.
Christopher from USA 2-5 min I feel in harmony with the natural world.
Cynthia from Canada 2-5 min I haven't gotten to the point where I can describe the real power of the instrument because I haven't been able to circular breathe yet for more than a few minutes. However I have found it to be very relaxing. I know I'm quickly in an alpha/theta state within that few minutes.
David from United Kingdom 5-10 min I am only just learning so have not managed to play for any length of time but the only success I have had has been with a plastic didgeridoo. The wooden ones I own are difficult to play that is why I have decided to buy a proper one.
David from USA 5-10 min I'm very new at the didge but long playing takes me to places like a dream. it is so relaxing. and on the other hand it can be a little overwhelming and trance like
Doug from USA Never tried Can't wait to learn
Anonymous 10-15 min Not sure what to say -- I play with a band
Eric from USA Up to 2 min I am not very good at circular breathing yet. I believe it is because of the poor quality of the bamboo didgeridoo. I don't have a beeswax mouthpiece and there is not adequate back pressure.
Eugene from Canada Up to 2 min It seems that time slows in a way and that rhythmic playing with breath control is almost a "psychedelic experience" I also practice Taoist meditation techniques and often playing the Didgeridoo has similar effects.
Ian from United Kingdom 5-10 min Have to think when to draw air in
Anonymous from USA Can play but not circular Calming
James Miller from USA 2-5 min I made one from pvc as a kid was fun was able to meditate well too
Anonymous from Canada 5-10 min I only started playing a few days ago and cannot hold the circular breath for more than ~8 minutes without dropping the sound
Anonymous from Portugal 10-15 min Me and a friend who just bought an authentic didge on this site gather everyday to play. I am still learning but already can circular breathe. he however is a good player yesterday we played for about 4 hours a few stops between though...
John Heusler from USA 1 hour + Euphoria
Jon from USA Up to 2 min Enlightening
Mark from USA 2-5 min It is very relaxing and calming but as soon as I become conscious of the fact that I am circular breathing I usually mess up (I've only been playing for about 2 months.)
Michael from USA 5-10 min Almost always cease internal talk. For a prolonged session I have had my lips become sore and actually bruised! My energy level is always higher afterwards. I always have an increased feeling of well-being too.
Nathaniel from USA Can play but not circular It gives you a very high very relaxing feeling.
Peter Huber from Germany 5-10 min I don't look on a clock I'm only playing closing eyes and do it only for my own. So I can't tell exactly about the time
Randal Wilson from USA 2-5 min Awesome! took quite a bit of practice more than one would think to drone on for a few minutes
Rene Schippers from Netherlands 2-5 min I think it beautiful and strong. I use it to meditate and worship God.
Richard from USA 5-10 min It is better then meditating!!!
Riley from USA 5-10 min My friend and I play a lot of different instruments and made a jam with 2 didges one on Eb and one on Bb it was awesome and difficult but we decided on a groove and played it for an 8 minute track but I don't go out of my way to see how long I can play.
Rodney Romano from USA 2-5 min Very relaxing and yet invigorating. Circular breathing brings a sense of accomplishment and mastery over oneself
Anonymous from USA 15-20 min :-D Amazing! It differs based on my state of mind but I've been the giver of numerous "didj baths" (~sound healing therapy sessions~) and the recipients have been overwhelmed at times.
Steve from USA 25-30 min It's like once I start and just can't stop. Though I am not consciously choosing to continue to play... it just keeps going. Once I am done I feel a bit euphoric.
Susan from USA 50-60 min After a long period of time more than 30 minutes I know I'm in what can only be called a "trance state''. Not that I don't know what is going on around me rather a heightened calm occurs and I feel for lack of a better term connected. Just exactly what I am connected to does not have adequate words to describe.
Tim from USA 25-30 min For me it becomes a meditative state. It's very relaxing and all other distractions disappear.
Anonymous from Canada Can play but not circular One of my most content moments of the day
Tyler Bond from USA Up to 2 min Overall whilst I can circular breathe reasonably well I would like to get much better at it so as to allow myself to play for longer periods continually. My tone usually declines after about a minute but I believe practice and a nicer didj would remedy this problem.

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