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"Can different notes be played on the didj?
Please explain why different notes can or cannot be played on the didj. "

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Name and Country Can different notes be played on the didj? Please explain why different notes can or cannot be played on the didj.
Anonymous from USA Yes Varying the amount of air changes the tone.
Bobby from USA Yes The didj has one main key and the notes can be changed by changing your lip position tightness etc.
Anonymous No It is a fixed resonant tube and can only have the note bent slightly off its resonate frequency.
Chris from USA Yes The Didge has a base key but there are many ways to pitch it up or down.
Anonymous Yes The toot horn is an another note and by increasing the volume of the tone you can change pitch etc d to d#
Chuck Thorne from USA No Really don't know just a semi educated guess
Anonymous from China (pr) ??? I really don't know!
Daniel from Switzerland Yes Root-tone and overtones toots... modulations with changing of the mouth/jaw/lip position
Daniel from USA ??? Unknown
David Lucena from Brazil Yes We can make toots
David from USA Yes The didj usually plays about a full octave of notes depending on the tightening of the lips/embrasure. The tighter the embrasure the higher the pitch the looser the lower. I play trombone and it is a very similar concept to the embrasure needed to play brass instruments.
Elisabeth Procter from USA Yes Never played one just listen to didj music (Eat Your Guru Kakadu Oka Aphrodidjiac Temple of Didje Trancescapes Sun Also Dances Voice of the Bama Savannah etc).
Fábio Augusto from Brazil Yes Didj is a instrument of soul possibility many notes
Frank from Netherlands Yes Because you work with your voice I guess
Gary from USA No The didj is a wind instrument that creates a drone sound and has no finger holes to produce notes
Anonymous from USA Yes Your website told me that at least two notes could be made on most of the didjes I looked at online.
George from USA Yes By changing your breathing along with mouth and tongue position you can create differing overtones/notes with the didj.
Anonymous Yes Different sizes length what they are made from etc
Jake from USA No To be honest I'm not real sure but I believe its that you can only play different pitches not really notes.
Jake from USA Yes Different secondary tonal harmonics in some didges
Jesse from USA Yes Well I haven't gotten one yet but harmonics from the tongue movement and vocals/
Anonymous Yes I thought it had to do with the embouchure of the mouth and the manipulation of air flow
John from USA Yes By changing lip positions and air pressure (tooting) you can hit different notes.
Josef from New Zealand No It is only possible (different notes) on a slide didj increasing or decreasing the air volume inside
Kate from USA Yes You basically have one note because it is based on it's length but you can get other close note out of it.
Anonymous ??? ??
Keith from USA Yes Deeper tones from larger didj
Ken Harry from Canada No The didge is tuned to the note the finished product makes.
Ken Rath from Denmark Yes I think its the same as playing the trumpet
Leslie from USA Yes Not sure
Luca from Italy ??? Dunno
Anonymous Yes I have no idea but I'm guessing it has something to do with diameter material thickness of material
Matt Meers from USA Yes The different notes come from the overblows as the each doubling of the resonant frequency causes a new note. Mostly it is considered a drone (one note) instrument in which the note is altered bent and layered through the use of voice air pressure as well as adjustment to the volume of the mouth.
Neil from United Kingdom No I'm not sure but I would have thought the didge produces a variety of tonal variations of the same note with octave increases (but to the same higher note) with the horn sound. Although the variations are great I'm not sure they would constitute a complete note change (although I've never measured it!).
Nick Emilio from USA Yes Can be played by changing the tightness of the lips and/or increasing or lessening the breathing power
Anonymous from USA Yes Drone versus singing versus harmonies versus overblows. I can achieve many harmonic notes outside the mouth two to three over blows... but the main structure depends on the drone note.
Richard Crow from United Kingdom Yes Different notes can be played by changing the frequency that the air resonates through the didj this can be done in many ways changing the way your throat contracts/expands the way your tongue can push air from the mouth and the shape of the lips can also alter the tone of a sound
Anonymous from France No I think that if we can't modify the height of the didj the note can't be changed... except on slide-didj.
Anonymous Yes Fluctuations in the pitch of voice and how much air is exerted.
Russell Sherman from USA Yes Different forces of vibrations from lip movements and how much your blowing or not?
Anonymous from France Yes Car il faut faire des choix dans les didges: on priviligé soit les harmoniques les differentes rythmiques ou encore la note de base ou le 1er & 2ème hot (hut) la qualité de survibration si on veut qu'il sonne grave ou aïgu la longueur la taille de la cloche (pavillon)........il y abeaucoup de paramètres différents dû àla richesse de notre mère nature c'est pourquoi il y a autant de didges que de joueurs dans le monde et il y a de multiples façon de jouer........ l'important c'est ce qu'insouffle le joueur dans son didge une partie de lui...........la personnalité du joueur a une place importante ainsi que son imaginaire.........
Anonymous ??? I thought that didjes were single-noted?
Sergio Gonzalez from Mexico Yes All depends on the large of the didj and the ability to play it. different large different notes and the ability helps a lot to increase the variations.
Anonymous from Chile Yes Its depends on what didj are you playing. you can make didj for every note.
Steve from USA ??? Don't know
Anonymous ??? What's a didj?
Thomas Gibson from USA Yes Have no idea
Anonymous Yes On peut jouer un grand nombre de notes dans un didj en variant les débits d'air et en faisant des cris dans le didj.
Anonymous from USA No You may be able to change the tone slightly but the instrument is designed to play one note. It is a wooden tube.
Willard Shaw from USA ??? Very low vibes
Anonymous No I don't know

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