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How many times have you been to Australia?
How many times have you met Australian Aboriginal people?
Please share your perceptions and impressions of Australian Aboriginal people

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Name and Country How many times have you been to Australia? How many times have you met Australian Aboriginal people? Please share your perceptions and impressions of Australian Aboriginal people
Raphael Santos Vieira from Brazil Never Never Os aborigenes australianos sao como os Indios Brasileiros. Bravos guerreiros que lutam para manter suas tradicoes em meio a modernizacao e desenvolvimento mundial. Infelizmente ainda sao discriminados pela populacao ignorante que nao sabe respeitar seus costumes porem temos muitas pessoas que combatem essa descriminacao e lutam por seus direitos.
John Watchpocket from USA Never Never From what I have been exposed to thus far in my life my perception of aboriginal people is that as a majority they are peaceful people that believe in living off of the land as much as possible and being at one with nature. They have strong beliefs and values in culture and religion.
Anonymous from USA 1 3 Very quiet---was sept 1990 in Adelaide Quorn and Port Augusta.
Anonymous Never Never Very interesting culture.
Benjoseph from USA 1 1 I met one selling his didgeridoos at the market place n Melbourne. He was very passionate about the quality and craftsmanship of the instrument which gave me a very warm pureness feeling for the love and care he had.
Anonymous from Australia Aus 2 I felt comfortable around their pleasant easy-going energy. I love their art and mythology. I watch a lot of documentaries about them so I can learn about their history.
Anonymous Aus 10+ The Aboriginal people I have met have been good natured people who have mostly been self reliant good citizens. I am concerned that many Aboriginal people have lost this sense of self reliance and determination.
Anonymous Never Never Seem to have and old and rich culture
Chris Ward from Australia Aus 10+ I'm married to one she's alright I guess haha
Vicente from Chile Never Never He escuchado que son personas muy serias y perceptivas de emociones que respetan toda la tierra
Anonymous Aus 10+ Heart and soul of Australia
Jeff from USA Never 1 Similar to the native Americans in the USA I feel a special kinship. Their love of the land and nature and their harmony with the earth speak deeply to me.
Vinicio from Chile Never Never Apesar de que no he conocido a nadie de esa cultura si lo he hecho con otras tribus en sudamerica y en base a eso me imagino que son gente de gran conocimiento de su entorno de mucha hospitalidad y gran fuerza espiritual.
Elizabeth Bayer from USA Never Never I'm interested in learning more about the culture
Ramon from Australia Aus 10+ I think Australians under rate the value that the Australian Aboriginal heritage and particularly understanding of time and place could add to our national culture.
Anonymous from Australia Aus 10+ Difficult to generalise as every person I have met is different. But to be honest I have not had very good experiences with Aboriginal people that are from the cities and my impressions unfortunately have not always been positive. However some of the best experiences I've ever had involved going into the bush with traditional Aboriginal people in the Kimberly. They were some of the kindest people I've met and still very in touch with their culture. I was blown away by their knowledge and stories and their willingness to share it.
Isaac from USA Never Never I love my didgeridoo and although I've never been to Australia or many any Aboriginal people their culture and philosophy's greatly fascinate me. I actually plan on moving to Australia sometime next year! The nature looks beautiful the people seem great and I want to meet some fellow didge lovers! I've done a lot of research out of my own personal interest on the culture their and its only furthered my desire to live there.
Ryan Campbell from USA Never Never They are amazingly close to nature in a way I could only dream of.
Anonymous Never Never Fascinating
Conrad from Australia Aus 10+ They are amazing people with a very important culture. We have a lot to learn from their family values and sustainability. It is amazing to know that they have looked after this country for over 50 000 years.
Anonymous Never Never Very old traditions and way of life
Bruce from Australia Aus 10+ As varied as any group.
Anonymous from USA Never 1 Proud and friendly.
Anonymous Never Never In tune with environment comfortable living in harsh terrain.
Brian from Canada Never Never I don't know a lot about Australian Aboriginal people. I think they have been treated much the same as Canadian First Nations.
Rian from USA 1 4 Met mostly performers who were very positive and polite
Gloria from USA Never Never Not to much since I have not met one before.
Kate from USA Never Never I feel they are in tune
Mary from USA Never Never Hard working full of endurance genuine
B.g. from USA Never Never Unfortunately I haven't personally had the privilege of meeting Australian Aboriginal peoples but my mother has told me great stories of her trip to Australia and how culturally sound the Aboriginal Australians are. I hope I get the chance to someday!
Ron from Canada 1 3 We met some people playing the didj on the wharf in Sydney. They were very talented had great pride in their culture and were eager to share their knowledge.
Nick from USA Never Never The more I read about them the more respect I have and my desire to experience their culture first-hand grows exponentially.
Anonymous Never Never I believe they are a peaceful people that are in touch with a greater naturalistic and holistic way of life one which inspires and interests me.
David from USA 2 4 Very easy-going fun-loving people with lots of reasons to be proud of all their heritage.
Matt from USA 1 1 Awesome people that others should take cues from as far as how we treat our earth.
Jonathan from USA Never Never With the existence of hundreds of Aboriginal tribes and languages with differing ways of life I don't think it's possible to even have a coherent impression of them all.
Anonymous from France Never Never Unique people who are connected to their lands!
John from USA Never Never I feel the Australian Aboriginal people are maligned much like the Native Americans were and in some instances still are. The Aboriginal culture should be rejoiced and the racism and separatism needs to end.
Bill from Australia Aus 10+ I used to play football with aboriginal people and went to school with aboriginal people. My impression of them was no different to the rest of the people. Some were good mates some were not. Very good athletes.
Anonymous Never Never I never met one. But I think they are strong people fighting for their lands protecting nature and holding roots of ancient knowledge in Australia.
Sue from USA Never Never Strong strife shafted.
Christopher Weber from USA Never 1 Wonderful people
Richard Martin from USA Never Never They are beautiful and kind peoples who genuinely care for everything and everyone on earth.
Anonymous 2 3 Hardy and hearty and connected to the earth strong people
Greg from USA Never Never I have never met an Aborigine. Only through what I've seen online or other media can I draw an idea. I would guess they'd be well in tune with the earth as well as their surroundings. Depending on whether their particular tribe has "modernized" or not is another variable that makes it harder to put a perception on this particular group.
Carl Martinez from USA Never Never Native people which we all are from somewhere.
Leila Ross from USA Never Never They are connected to Mother Earth and hand down secret wisdom and knowledge to their own Aboriginal People. They are healers.
Beatriz from Costa Rica Never Never I have never met any of these people all I know is that they try to preserve this traditional way of making the instrument!
Richard Lesko from USA Never Never Only experience is reading videos listening to didj on recording. I have much respect for spiritual tradition...but I must admit I don't really have much knowledge about that it's mostly in my dreaming and imagination.
G Hobart (Bart) from USA Never Never I believe they are a very industrious people within the sphere of their own culture. I abhor the arrogance of the Australian government and individuals who think they know better how they should live etc. I feel the same way about the native North Americans. I am particularly upset when I hear how they have been abused and run roughshod over as if they have no inherent rights to either their persons or their property.

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