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"How much do you read our newsletters?
Please comment on our newsletter"

On this page you can read the answers our visitors gave to this question as part of our yearly visitor surveys, where you can win great prizes.
(we post comments only if permission was given)

Over the years we have asked our visitors many different questions and any of the below topics contain hundreds of comments from people all over the world. Enjoy reading what other people have to say on those subjects:-). If you have any question you would like us to ask our visitors, please let us know.







Name and Country How much do you read our newsletters? Please comment on our newsletter.
Adam Brousseau from Canada I read some things in all issues I really like the feel that it has, nothing to formal. It feels like an email from that great friend that you don't often hear from; so you savour every word.
Adrian from Australia I read most things in most issues Can;t wait for next one
Amanda Hall from Australia I read everything in all issues Great stuff
Andrew Hodge from Canada I read some things in most issues I enjoy reading the newsletter. I receive many newsletters in my email and, if any, I usually always read the didjshop news
Ariella Trotti from Italy I read some things in most issues Very useful
Bill from USA I read some things in most issues I haven't seen it in awhile, but I remember it was well done.
Bob from USA I have never received it I am new to this instrument & found the website to be very informative
Anonymous from USA I read most things in most issues Informative, sometimes a little long.
Brian James from United Kingdom I read most things in all issues The newsletter keeps me in touch with others who share the same love of didges, and I like hearing about issues that affect the native peoples and realising that they have support from many enlightened people
Anonymous I read some things in most issues Very interesting.
Brian from USA I read some things in some issues Good
Cameron Nelson from USA I read everything in all issues It is wonderful.
Christopher from USA I read everything in all issues Love it!
Dan from Germany I read most things in all issues Great work! Keep it up!
Dana from USA I read some things in most issues I enjoy reading its information each month.
Daniel from USA I read everything in all issues I enjoy them, more please!
Daran Wallman from Canada I read some things in some issues I look at it when I have time.
David Morgan from USA I have never received it I will sign up immediately, and also sign up as an affiliate once I get a didge website up.
David Pau from Argentina I read some things in most issues It is extremely interesting.
Dawn from USA I have never received it Want to get
Deborah Switzer from USA I have never received it Very informative, I have recently sent some of the information out to people I know to share
Debra from USA I read some things in all issues Very interesting and useful
Derek from Ireland I read some things in all issues Keep em comin.
Diego from Chile I read a little bit once or twice a year Have to be honest, had rarely read the newsletter. I
Don from USA I have never received it It' has made me think, and brings to mind the old song,"Tie me Kangaroo Down Sport". "Play me Digeridoo, Blue..."
Don Chasse Jr from USA I read some things in some issues I do not get to them right away but I love that they are packed with info. Its a great help to be reminded about upcoming events and global issues. I do read old ones eventually but sometimes delete them. I'm bad with newsletters, but love yours when I do read them.
Donald from USA I read everything in most issues It shows that you are committed to the aboriginal people and there issues and what the whole world to play a didj sometime in the near future. I hope that come true.
Doug Bischoff from USA I read everything in most issues I know they take a lot of effort, but please keep it up!!
Anonymous I read most things in all issues I look forward to its arrival. As a non-Australian it's helped me better understand aboriginal issues in Australia, many of which mirror those faced by Native Americans.
Douglas from USA I read some things in all issues It's informative
Edward from USA I read some things in most issues Nice information.
Elizabeth from USA I read most things in most issues Very informative and it is nice to stay abreast of the news and goings on within the culture and the issues that are effecting the aboriginal people.
Forest Weston from USA I read most things in all issues I wish that it came out more often!
Anonymous I read some things in all issues The newsletter has educated me on some issues involving modern Australia and the Aboriginals.
Frank from USA I read some things in most issues Very informative, but at times very disturbing.
Fred Ashplant from USA I read most things in all issues Your newsletter has given me insights and understanding of many issues prevalent in Australia. It has been a real education and I am grateful to you for taking the time and effort to give me and the rest of the world an honest view of your country and its culture.
G Hobart from USA I read most things in all issues I enjoy the commentaries and the discussions about aboriginies' issues
Anonymous I have never received it Never rec it yet but look forward to getting it I stumbled on this site on accident its awesome I would like to learn more about other instruments too
Anonymous I read some things in most issues Thank you
Anonymous from USA I read some things in some issues This is a great way to spread the issues in the community and spread the word of didgeridoo meditation/other events. It should be less focused on sales on the website.
Jackie from USA I read most things in some issues It is very informative and enlightening. I find it to be a great read.
Anonymous from USA I read most things in most issues Keep it coming!!

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