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What inspired you to learn the didj?

On this page you can read the answers our visitors gave to this question as part of our yearly visitor surveys, where you can win great prizes.
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Over the years we have asked our visitors many different questions and any of the below topics contain hundreds of comments from people all over the world. Enjoy reading what other people have to say on those subjects:-). If you have any question you would like us to ask our visitors, please let us know.







Name and Country

What inspired you to learn the didj?

Adam Ditheridge from United Kingdom

Learning about the Aboriginal culture as a whole.


I like the sound and the love philosophy behind it.

Al Lovett from USA

My ex GF had a PVC and said if I can make any sound from it then I can have it. I was able to make some sounds then decided to take a class from Stephen Kent when he was in the San Francisco bay area.

Alan from United Kingdom

The sound it makes

Alex Surdu from USA

The uniqueness and history of the instrument is intriguing to me. I'm classically trained as a trombonist and it's like nothing I've ever played before. I love everything about it.

Allen Smith from USA

Night time sleeping dreams plus the shear energy I felt when hearing it for the first time.

Andrew Castle from USA

I love the sound they make

Anne from Canada

Listening to it while visiting Australia

Anu Van Leeuwen from Netherlands

The sound and the culture of aboriginals. The wish to give this magnificent instrument a place in western music and to let the world know about it! I wanted to create a music group in which the didgeridoo is the centre! This I did with my world music group Bellydidge.

Arnaud Dejean from France

Meeting Phillip Peris & mates in Spain

Anonymous from France

I have seen a lot of people with Didj just holding it for being cool. And then one day I heard a real player in a store in Paris.

Anonymous from USA

"Mad Max: Beyond Thunder-dome" because I heard the beginning music with a didj playing and wanted to know what it was and how to play it.

Brandon from USA

I was introduced to the didj by warm and welcoming people. Thus, I had a positive association with it from the beginning. I relate the sound with kindness, intellect, and peace.


I play trumpet and am curious how well the skills and talents transfer for me.

Brittany from USA

I want to learn the didj, but I haven't had the opportunity. I unfortunately can not afford one at this time because of school. I wanted to learn because I was playing this game (that came with encarta encyclopedia) about world music. Since I have always been interested in this, I enjoyed the game very much. One of the instruments was the didgeridoo and I loved the sound so much (I enjoy drone instruments), I am determined to learn it.

Chace Bedford from USA

I got a bug for it last christmas and used some of the money to buy a ton of instruments including ethnic ones. I am so intent on learning every instrument I could that when I saw the didge I knew I had to learn it. especially the one I found was gorgeous, it was a burnt ebony didge that has a very low low B note which also inspired me to pick up the didgeridoo. That and I have always loved its haunting and soothing sound since I was a child.

Chris from USA

I love the sound and when I was walking down the street in san Francisco, California I saw a bamboo didj. I asked the store owner if I could try it and to my surprise I made a sound with my first try. I have been teaching myself to play ever since that day about 12 years ago

Chris Smith from USA

It is exotic and interesting with an incredible sound

Christopher Weber from USA

I saw one at a place in Kentucky called Kentucky Down Under. I tried it since I'm a musician and I was hooked.

Chuck from USA

Hearing the sounds. Inspired me to try to do the same thing.




Calming tones

Dean Archer from United Kingdom



My father telling me about the respiratory benefits of playing.

Dima Shebalev from Israel

A friend of my lent me his didge for a year and I got the rhythm... later on I asked from another friend to bring me a didge from australia (he was travelling there), I got this one for about 2 years

Anonymous from Austria

Andrew Langford; Aborigines in Alice Springs and being in the Aussie outback

Don from USA

I loved the sound the first time I heard one.

Drew from Australia

Interest in music

Edd Horrocks from United Kingdom

Voices in my head!!!!!!! a niggling urge!!!

Frank from USA

My wife read an article about it, and after I looked it up on the internet and heard it being played, I was hooked. Then I found a teacher, but I am still a beginner. After I attain some competence, I plan to purchase an authentic didge.

Frederick from USA

Like the sound... very soothing to me...

Gonzalo from Chile

Me gustan mucho todos los instrumentos aborĂ­genes. Me intereso el didj por su capacidad de imitar sonidos de la naturaleza.

Anonymous from Singapore

The sound. One hundred percent unique! Plus, the art of playing.

Hans Giesholt from USA

I really like the instrument and the sounds

Anonymous from USA

This website. My son is 14, he is completely musical and vocal. He plays several string and brass instruments and has a beautiful voice. He also has several native flutes which he loves. I want to have a didj for him (and I) to learn and for us to use for healing and meditative purposes. We also have a dear friend who is a music therapist and I am forwarding this site to her. I am very familiar with the healing and meditative possibilities and properties with regard to frequency. There are several ancient instruments that I look forward to learning more about and obtaining for these purposes. Thanks!

Henrique Bezerra from Portugal

I went to a concert of a band called Blasted Mechanism and they use this kind of aboriginal instruments combined with rock instruments, I liked the combination specially the Didgeridoo. I started to learn a little time ago so I can't circular breath yet.

Hugo Ferreira from Portugal

My search for something that can make me relax.

Jacopo from Italy

My trip in Australia

Jared from USA

A guy who was selling a lot of them and he had one he owned and he was playing it and thought it was so cool and got my dad to get 1

Jere from Finland

My friend bought me one as a graduation gift and when I checked out the instrument and it's background I was thrilled and aching to learn to play it!

Jesse Henceroth from USA

Seeing others playing the instrument


Lived in Melbourne, traveled to Alice

Jolyon from United Kingdom

Visiting australia and seeing it done. I just loved the sound


I play djembe and I really want to play didgeridoo also. I like world cultures.

Josh from Canada


Kara from USA

Being in drum circles where one person always has a didge


I'm a music teacher in a primary school and I'd really like to teach my students about traditional aboriginal music

Anonymous from USA

Love the sound!


The sound it produces is unique

Lion from USA

Listening to Stephen..

Marco Vinicio from Italy

I have heard didj sound on internet.

Martin Sørensen from Denmark

My english teacher was the first person to teach and tell me about Australian and aboriginal culture. I found it very much exiting. She showed us a video from her trip to Australia were she had bought a didge. that was the first time a saw and heard a didge. I fell in love with the crazy vibrating sound.

Marty from USA

I was invited to a Yanni Concert many years ago. At the end of the concert, the last song started with David Hudson on the Didgeridoo. I realized I have found an instrument I wanted to learn.

Massimo from Italy

The idea to learn a new meditation with the circular breathe

Matthew from USA

Life long interest in Australia. Life long interest in music.


It was given to me a present. The person who gave it told me they had a vision that I should have it.

Michael from USA

A psychic told me I would help open some chakra



Anonymous from France

My first didgeridoo was a gift

Michelle from USA

I saw someone playing one at Summer Camp Music Festival and I became very interested in learning.

Mike Hoover from USA

While attending a renaissance festival I heard a merchant playing one in the far off distance and it sounded so entrancing that I had to check it out. when we found where the sound was coming from I was amazed that it was a didgeridoo!! so after taking with the merchant for awhile I decided to buy a bamboo starter didge and I love playing it!!

Mike Nichols from Canada

The resonation with the beginning of time and the way it cuts to the core of earth energy and healing potential

Mitch from USA

I first heard it on an Xavier Rudd cd and got hooked from there, I can't get enough of it!

Nancy from USA

Needing to address asthma and meditation breathing issues

Patrick from Australia

A spiritual gift, after an accident. After a set of circumstances and some brilliant timing.

Paul from USA

I like the sound

Anonymous from United Kingdom

Have special needs kid and they find the didge very soothing and it does calm them


Yanni he has a great didgeridoo player in his band

Peter Russell from Australia

Skippy the bush Kangaroo. As explained before.

Raffael from Germany

The uniqueness of this wonderful instrument make me hoping I can learn it.

Ricardo from Mexico

The sound it relaxes me

Anonymous from USA

I wanted to play a unique and different instrument

Robin from USA

I have heard didj players at festivals and I'm very drawn to the tones and vibrations. The sound waves produced seem harmonic with the universe.

Robson Castilho from Brazil

Culture and a very grand fasinante

Sergey from Russia

I have heard about didjes a long time ago. But it always was a bamboo pipe or something like that, and people make some kind of base sound. It wasn't interesting. And about half year ago I've seen the real didj and a man who know how to play. I was very inspired about didj abilities and unique sound.

Anonymous from USA

My friend gave me a CD of didjes a few years ago and I really liked them. At a music festival in Chicago, a vendor had a didj for $60, but I didn't have enough money. Finally, I heard about a band called Fort Pastor that plays acoustic folk music with a didj. I looked up "how to make a didgeridoo" on Google and was directed here. I've had mine about a week and am learning how to play, but I can't get any beeswax yet so I've been without a mouthpiece. [OUR COMMENT: for beeswax try bee-keepers, hardware stores, art suppliers and health food stores]


I haven't tried yet, but I want to learn. A musician came to our school who played the didj, and I was fascinated, so now I want to learn too!!

Steav Bates-congdon from USA

A young man we met in Costa Rica who was a great didj player played at the ocean shore every evening with us. I had a good telescope with me and he would play his didj; everyone in town came out to listen and look and we had the best star parties and the best music at them I have ever experienced.

Steve Jones from USA

Love the way it sounds.

Anonymous from USA

Love the Sound.

Taylor from USA

The culture of the Aboriginal people

Telmo from Portugal

After a birthday present and total failure at any attempt to make any sound, I decided to explore the instrument's roots, and as I began to learn how to play, the further I looked beyond the initial simplicity, the more it opened path for the complexity behind it, not just in the sonic realm, but in a social and cultural view, regarding the simple and respecting lifestyle with which it is bound, making me question the world's, current, and ever growing corporate society even more.


Just listening to others


I had heard about them but never played one, then a friend of mine got a inexpensive bamboo didj. I played it a couple of times and loved it! I ended up making my first didj from PVC, then found a wood didj made out of Teak at a music shop. I play both regularly and am looking to buy a natural termite hollowed didj in the near future.

Tony from USA


Vitaliy from Russia

Incredible sound, that makes my soul way out

Wayne from Australia

The sound and the involvement of the player

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