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Who are the indigenous people of your country?
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Who are the indigenous people of your country?

What do you know about them?

Pedro from Brazil The indigenous ethnicity of Brazil are mainly four: tupis-guaranis nuaruaques cara Each of the indigenous ethnicity are composed by many tribes that are spread through the whole country. each ethnicity is mainly characterized by its language. The biggest ethnicity is the tupi-guarani and it is concentrated on the amazon region.
Mike from Canada Natives Bad reputation for drinking and sniffing paint
Anonymous from United Kingdom Various races due to people moving across globe Different races at different times had varying lifestyles and cultures
Anonymous from Germany Mixture of several waves of emperors in german: Kelten Franken Alemannen Germanen R Starts with stilt houses in the bronze age for example on Bodensee medieval royal palaces hanseatic league I don't know all the english words for the very coloured history of my country
Michael from USA There where/are many native tribes here on this land Outside of the fact that they have been exploited and mis treated at every turn. I think here in the US or anywhere there are native people who live in sync with the land are quickly becoming extinct and this is a sign we need to take warning of.
Anonymous from USA Various Native American tribes. They cared for the land and they used resources to survive.
Vic Cherikoff from Australia 600 nations of people who have the world's longest living culture. Lots about their food traditions stories and country
Anonymous Americans They are very politically oriented. There is a huge wealth division in the USA as well. Many Americans are uncultured and selfish.
Shelly from USA Native american indians A lot grew up in montana. which tribe?
Anonymous First nation They live in harmony with the land. The Sioux have no swear words in their language. They were SEVERELY oppressed by non indigenous people.
Anonymous from USA Lakota Sioux Hopi....all Native Americans I am part Lakota Sioux
Brooke from USA There were (and are still) many different tribes of Native American people in the USA. My family is from the south and our people were Choctaw and Cherokee. I used to drink Dandelion Wine that my great grandmother made. I have her recipe and recently found out that it is a traditional Choctaw beverage. I do not know much about Choctaw culture but I am in the process of learning about my heritage.
Joy from USA Native americans They understand the connection to all life forms
Kimberly from USA All beings who have lived here long before european cultures and Spanish cultures came to colonize.:) Their connection with All life is sacred.
Waylon from USA Native americans Lived in harmony with nature for the most part were excellent hunters/gatherers employed shamans and medicine men for guidance and healing
Anonymous from Canada First Nations. There are many groups of Indigenous first nations people in Canada. Some examples are the Mohawk Huron Cree Iroquois Metis Blackfoot and Inuit. I grew up in Saskatchewan near a sacred land called Wanuskewin. I have many friends who are First Nations.
Daran Wallman from Canada Native aboriginals They are great friends. I play with at drum circles
Ron from USA American Indians but even they migrated from Asia so if by "indigenous" you mean "here first " it would be them I suppose. Not as much as I should except they've traditionally been screwed by the government like most indigenous peoples all over the world.
Anonymous from Australia Native australians Aboriginal people are the traditional owners of the land with a strong sense of community and connection to the land particularly the areas which they live. song and dance has been used to pass stories down through generations
Andreas from Sweden The Sami Not as much as I should some still keep reindeer but it's getting harder and harder for them to do so without state subsidies.
Anonymous The saks They lived near the border
Michael Spring from USA The 500 tribes of American Indians Too much to write here. My grandmother was Assisiboine
Anonymous from USA Native American Indians. The Sioux Crow Blackfeet Pawnee Cheyenne Arapphoe Mohawk and many others. They lived with the land in harmony. Until the white man tried to take the land from them. and the white man didn't take the land from them and mould them to look like they were white man in there clothing.
Gordon Matheson from Australia Aborigines They have been here for over 40 000 years. They had over 200 tribal groups.
Forest Weston from USA Native American tribes They are very Earth-centric in that they consider all parts of the natural world to be alive and at least equal to humans including rocks animals all plants celestial bodies and Grandmother Gaia herself.
Dustin from USA Indian They have been here for a longtime
Anonymous from Italy Italians? Pretty much scholastic knowledge
David Aldridge from USA Native American Indians Not much many different tribes lived off the land they had wars
Tammy from USA Native Americans I am a registered citizen of the Cherokee Nation. I know that there are many Native American tribes. Not all tribes are recognized by the US Federal Government but I won't even get into that. Some tribes may have had similar customs rituals or practices but there are also extreme variations through the tribes.
Doug Bischoff from USA "American Indians" of various tribes. I am passingly familiar with a few tribes and have contact with a few who are "officially listed" as a tribe member. I know a fair amount about their history as it relates to the coming of European settlers and how they were treated thereafter.
Anonymous from USA Native Americans (Cherokee Algonquin Lumbee Aleut Iroquois) Very connected with the land and wise about their interaction with it.
Anonymous Native Americans There are several tribes spread out across the USA. Some of their lands are still protected and others have been bought by immigrants.
Elizabeth from USA The American Indians That they were here first and that they were driven off their land by settlers from the UK
Stan from USA Really no one but if you want to say "Native Americans" BUT they are thought to of come from China. So as you can see that is why I said no one. When the plates divided people crossed the land into what is now America (USA) and became our "Native American" I am ashamed to say I do not know enough. I know we have many nations in our land and that within those nations that some grew large and became more powerful than others had. Some of our people were hunters and gathers while others learned the art of farming the land. I also know that our people were a proud people and believed in returning to the land what was taken from it. But I am always interested in learning more. It is too bad that we don't want to teach others about each history but if you don't LOOK like that "indigenous tribe" then you surely can't be one of us and don't need to learn about us. (sorry if I am ranting)
Paul White from United Kingdom The Welsh and the Cornish Not a great deal I'm afraid
Anonymous American indians Everything I learned in school and the movies.
Amanda Hall from Australia All Aboriginals in australia both traditional and stolen.... Traditional aboriginals are the oldest people in the world and one of the oldest cultures in the world....
Anonymous Native Americans Their dances
Anonymous from Israel The jewish people They were on the run all the time... u know... jewish life...:)
Steve from USA Native americans I am very familiar with the Cherokee since I teach Cherokee living history
Mario Rago from Italy Italici=Hirpini Romans Samnites Umbrians..ecc Warrior tribes and people devoted to Earth
Rhys from New Zealand Discounting the patupaiarehe and so called celts who dropped in they would say it was the polynesian race of folk from tahiti and raitea that slowly colonised New zealand from around 1000AD to 1380 when tamatea's wife carried the sacred kumara tubers close to her breast all the way this was to become the most prized item of the maori people who had the highest form of polynesian art and construction and that's not fresh out of a book I know this stuff off the top of my head Shitloads for a honky bout that women playing didj stuff I heard only 2 tribes up north played didj back in the day and traded them a fair bit but their thing was that sheila's were to abstain from playing cos it was a very phallic thing and a story bout a giant in a hole playing his foreskin like a didj kinda puts that whole thing out there too
Brian James from United Kingdom Celts A fair amount
Teresa from Canada First peoples here - different nations - what we call the first nations people (but the group is broader than this as well) Not as much as I should; not as much as I would like to; but enough through experiential times on the land with them and intensive workshops to feel blessed. Perhaps the best knowledge is the complexity of the tribes (similarities and differences and the importance of not making assumptions
Marian from USA Native americans Just what I have read about them through the internet books and movies.
Anonymous from USA Native American Indians They Traveled here through the Bering Straits
Ugo Grasso from Italy Italy early inhabitants go back as far as stone age cavemen in the northern part of the country.In the ages people of indo-european origin inhabited the peninsula and islands.More recently tribal organized farmers where invaded and conquered by mediterranean tribes founding Rome. All along Italy has been a very busy route and peoples both Celtic and African have inhabited ruled and melt with the population. It is still happening. Basically some craftwork in stone has been found around the Varese Lake in northern Italy and a dwelling dating the paleolithic is being still studied.So we may suppose early fishermen and hunters lived by the lake shores in a large family settlement probably gathering edible plants and hunting too. Signs of very ancient dwellings in nowadays shores of Liguria. And most famous Similaun man 5000 years old hunter found perfectly frozen in western Alps area.
Edward from USA American Indians Most likely came from Asia
Debra from USA American indians I have read a lot.
Alex Fraser from Canada First Nations Inuit and Metis Not very much but I would like to learn more.
Aaron from New Zealand Waitaha then maori I am a descendant
Milan from Germany The Germanians They were a rough people sometimes wearing dreadlocks and fighting against the romans back when they conquered the German region.
Dana from USA Native Americans There were many different tribes or clans. Though their customs ranged from clan to clan the majority shared the common belief of respecting the Earth and all its living creatures.
Samuel Sheats from USA Native Americans (Indians) Migrated here thousands of years ago through land bridge from Asia.
Anonymous American Indians The USA tried to overtake them and destroy them until last century
Philip from Australia The Traditional owners of the continent that is now called Australia. The oldest continuous cultural group in existence. According to archeologists have inhabited this land for at least 30 000 years. Have passed on knowledge and traditional through oral transmission. Attempts to suppress Aboriginal culture values and traditions have been made by non-Aboriginals since European invasion.
Anonymous Cooree Indigenous people of Australia interesting culture nomadic tribal
Jason from USA "native americans" and or the mound builders The various native american tribes have lived in the USA for thousands of years and were preceded by some groups familiarly known as mound builders - (due to the large burial mounds they erected)
Jim Miller from USA Aborigines They are in-tune with the earth Mother Nature the animals the plants the supernatural. They could even be extraterrestrials.
Kib from Canada The american indian To many tribes to go over here mostly the western tribes of the Blackfoot crow and salish. each have their own unique history rights of passage to adulthood gatherings when the different tribes within a region get to gether with out fighting to exchange gifts and stories etc. music is manly the drum the flute and rattles. the drum and smoke from small fires are used to communicate over long distances the men did all fighting and hunting the women did the other food gathering tried to keep in touch with the spirits of the different animals some where brothers others demons some plants where only used in rituals. some tribes where nomadic others had a permanent home most common home is the teepee and long house. in war fare the bow and arrow and the lance and the tomahawk and the club used by all tribes. not enough time to go into a lot of detail at this time and in this place as it would take up volumes.
Anonymous Native american indian? Not much
Ian from New Zealand Maori Lots - a tribal based society with strong cultural traditions. Seafaring race that arrived in New Zealand from Hawaii.
Brent from USA The American Indians There were over 500 different tribes. They had a great deal of respect for nature and viewed the land as holy since they saw the land as the ground their families and and died on. They also recognized that they because dirt after death
Kristina from Canada First Nations/Inuits I know that the indigenous peoples and aboriginals have a lot of similarities
Alex from USA Native americans The british came and took their land enslaved them and colonized america there where man different tribes across america they were farmers hunters and gatherers and warriors they fell fast and easy against british soldiers.
Donna from USA Eskimos Not much
Anonymous from USA Native americans Not a lot
Anonymous Native American They were gentle souls who were exploited due to their lack of resistance to disease (had not yet lived in close proximity to domestic animals).
Philippe Groleau from Canada Amerindians 3 families: Iroquois Algonquians and Inuit Lots of stuff I worked with the Inuit in the northern Quebec and I also supervised an exhibition on Iroquoian way of living.
Ross Courville from USA Indians At the time they are what the modern day hippies are peace love and live off the land man you know all that groovie stuff. heheh
Anonymous Not sure Nothing
Anonymous I don't Know Nothing
Michele from Italy Italian can be qualified as the result of a mixture between ancient mediterranean people and all europeans because its history is made by the various people the conquered all through the centuries. Nowadays it's very difficult to individuate what remains of 'indigenous' in our land. Maybe only the place the had the benefit of isolation can be defined indigenous. For example: my family came originally from Corse then Isle of Elba...by now it's very difficult to tell which is the cultural identity of Italians only except for the common folk picture of southern Italy such as moustaches pizza pasta 'la mamma' and so on ah ah ah! Seriously our country belong closely to the Christian origin of culture don't forget that we have the Pope; what I guess sometime is why are we so scared of foreigners if we had been one of the country with the largest necessity to emigrate? Generally I'm so worried about our destiny we are losing identity but I trust anyway that new generations that have the opportunity to enlarge its point of view about the world will be able to reconstruct the unity of our beautiful differences and culture. The only I now about 'Italics' its the strong relation with nature so various in our land and this made us so largely different in a so small country.
Brooks from USA Native Americans The white people conquered them in the 1800 s
Jon Brady from USA Cherokee Crow Iroquois Apache etc. Quite a lot. The Constitution of the United States written by Thomas Jefferson was based in a large part on Iroquois societal rules.
Ashley from USA The native americans were originally here but now it's just a whole slew of different people and races. Not a whole lot. interesting story I was promised to the son of an indian chief as a baby.
Drayton from Australia They are the traditional land owners of Australia They had there own unique way of life before being robbed of there land some were nomadic. There were hundreds of different languages and they had a great deal of knowledge about this land and it's plants and animals. there history and beliefs were past down through story telling/song and dance. They are a unique race
Anonymous from USA Aleutians Native American tribes: Sioux Ojibwa Cherokee Seminoe Black Feet Crow Apache Potawatomi Navajo They lived on the land took what they needed were mostly matriarchal were treated poorly and now own many rights to gambling establishments.
Anonymous Pre columbian native americans other ethnic groups What I learned in school
Anonymous from Australia The many tribes of Australian Aboriginal peoples as they are called in English. A fair amount - e.g. there were around 200 different indigenous languages pre-white invasion; the tribes were nomadic but had regular routes along which they would move and trade amongst themselves focusing on Uluru as a spiritual centre; they had typical features of indigenous cultures including "bush tucker" and medicine complex kinship systems secret men's vs. women's business and initiation tracking and tribal Law e.g. stabbing thieves in the leg...I am also somewhat familiar with the more recent history of indigenous issues and rights movements.
Forrest Johnson from USA The American Indian They lived in harmony with nature.
Joshua from USA The Native Americans I am of Native American origin. I'm part of the Haliwa-Saponi of the Eastern Woodlands. The red earth people...
Anonymous Aboriginals They have been mistreated and misunderstood and down trodden for far to long.
Bradley from Australia The indigenous people of Australia are known as the aboriginal people of Australia. They are the first people of Australia and may even be the oldest human civilisation. They believe in the dream time. Everything began and originated from the land and the animals are the 'gods'. The aboriginal people strongly believe in the importance of flora and fauna in their lives and respect the land as their mother.
Glenn from Australia The native people of Australia that were here before colonisation Very little general info I am learning quickly lol having discovered my Grandfather was taken off his mother in the early 20's with his brothers and sisters never to see her again. Great Gran was aboriginal. Lots of family questions and characteristics being answered.
Elizabeth from USA Indians Not as much as I'd like to
Adam from USA Native Americans Lots haha um don't know where to begin.. They believed in being one with the land (compared to modern society) were booted outta there own land by western explorers very spiritual some amazing artwork with wood...
Anonymous from Greece There are different "tribes" vlachi pontii sarakatsani chasiotes some more I can't recall right now Different music styles and dances among them. most of them were shepards. Nowadays noone lives like that but there are still festivals in villages panigyria where there is a lot of traditional music and dancing;)
Michael from USA American Indians - many tribes They are beautiful people that have a rich culture and heritage. UNfortunately much of is lost - much like the aboriginal culture(s) in Australia. I live in Montana (northern US) and there are a lot of natives here and reservations so there is more of a native presence here than in many places in US. I also grew up in Ute country in Colorado so have been exposed to some of the remaining cultures in the Rocky Mountains. I have a strong liking towards their "traditional" ways and beliefs. I have been to a few Powwows here and love the dancing and dress. Very beautiful thing. I also play Native American Flute. Its one of my favorite instruments besides the didge and have played flute and didge together with wonderful sound.
Chris from Canada These people have occupied our lands for 10 000 years and are said to decedents of people who crossed into the Americas from Eurasia many years ago. Some of the more well known Aboriginal tribes in our country are the Sarcee Nation who are very prominent in our city Calgary. The Blackfoot Nation who occupy the southern region of our province and the Blackfoot Nation are some of the well known Aboriginal peoples of Alberta Canada. They have struggled like many Aboriginal peoples have in many cultures in our vast world. And like many have proudly overcome many social and economic issues while still retaining their proud history and culture.
Ido from USA Indians Driven out of America by European colonists
Steve from United Kingdom Anglo Saxons Came from mainland Europe a long time ago.
Michael from Belgium According to the statistics the Walloons would be because they are in a minority. But I don't want to think that way we are all born under the same Belgian flag so the only good answer would be: none Everything as they are my family and neighbours.
Anonymous from USA Native Americans Their history since European arrival is extremely similar to Australia's indigenous people and their interaction with European settlers.
Anonymous Native American Indians They have a long and rich history of living off the land and being in tune and at peace with nature with a long tradition of nomadic tribes as well as established territories.

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