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Does playing the didj have any effect on your state of mind?
Please comment on the effects of didj playing on your mind

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Does playing the didj have any effect on your state of mind?

Please comment on the effects of didj playing on your mind

Anonymous from Australia It has a very positive effect It helps me feel more centred within myself which means I don't get stressed out very easily when playing didj often. I think this is because of the focus I put on my breathing whilst playing one of the things I have always loved about the didj is the 'earthy' feeling it gives me
Aaron from New Zealand It has a very positive effect Send you to another world
Aaron from USA It has a very positive effect Restful Space in the Zone slow time
Anonymous It has a positive effect It is very soothing.
Adam Brousseau from Canada It has a very positive effect It makes me feel relaxed and helps me chill out after a stressful day. I'm thinking of perhaps recording a modulating drone for meditation and yoga
Anonymous from USA It has a positive effect It helps me relax and unwind. I find myself playing the didj even more during times when I am very stressed.
Adam from USA It has a positive effect Seems beautifully therapeutic
Alex from USA It has a very positive effect It makes me feel happy and proud that I can play it not a lot of people can do what I can
Alexandra from USA It has a very positive effect Calms the mind and spirit in its positive vibrations
Anonymous from New Zealand It has a positive effect See above. Meditation is physical mental and spiritual and that includes the effects of playing the didj.
Anonymous from USA It has a positive effect It makes me happy so I feel better.
Amanda Hall from Australia I cannot play didj It makes my boys proud and clears their heads
Anonymous from USA It has a positive effect As above it calms me. I love how it makes me feel in this way.
Amy from USA I cannot play didj I love how it sounds although I dunno how long I could listen to it - I bet sometimes that sound could get annoying but only when I'm headachy. I like how it sounds like all these different kinds of things... it's alive
Anonymous It has a very positive effect Relaxing in trance like state the sound in frequency sorry about my english I don't really practice or speak too much
Andrew Zacchini from USA It has a very positive effect Uplifts and centers
Andrew Zwack from USA It has a positive effect As I said before the sound of the didj calms my mind. Once I learn circular breathing I think I could sit for hours by the river playing.
Andy from United Kingdom It has a positive effect As it relaxes me I find it takes me to "other places"
Annette from Chile It has a very positive effect Calming centring regulation
Antoni from Spain It has a positive effect It free my mind and I access to a relax state.
Ariella Trotti from Italy It has a very positive effect I'm in the sound (I could say I'm the sound) nothing else matters
Anonymous from USA I cannot play didj I imagine it would have extreme positive effect.
Anonymous from USA It has a very positive effect Quiets the mind like meditation but much easier to reach a relaxed state and deeper
Beaux from USA It has a very positive effect Whenever I listen to didj music it feels good in my head
Anonymous from Netherlands It has a positive effect Yes helps me think of life and the related issues
Ben from Australia It has a very positive effect Great form of meditation... liberating
Bennett from USA It has a positive effect Peaceful meditations
Bill from USA It has a positive effect Relaxing
Bill from USA It has a very positive effect It allows me to meditate
Anonymous It has a very positive effect It helps me get away from my hectic days and think about what matters
Blake from Australia It has a very positive effect It helps me meditate and calm myself
Bradley from USA It has a positive effect Calming
Bradley from Australia It has a positive effect It allows you to listen to your mind and I find it helps me sort out issues going on in my life and mind. It's calming and help me to realise what is important to me.
Brandon Fitzgerald from USA It has a positive effect Again even though I am very new the little bit of playing that I can do really calms me down and nearly puts me into a trance. I have not felt this good in a long time. I cannot wait until I progress and get a quality didgeridoo of my own.
Brandon from USA It has a positive effect Musical freedom Expression relaxation
Anonymous from USA I cannot play didj Peace and one with all.
Brenna from USA It has a very positive effect I am cleared humbled and more respectful towards life that crosses my path
Brian from United Kingdom It has a positive effect Calming
Brian James from United Kingdom It has a very positive effect Playing for a prolonged period causes me to enter a meditative state of mind thereby causing release of stress and a feeling of being centred
Anonymous It has a positive effect Relaxing.
Brooke from USA It has a very positive effect As above it is hard to describe how it makes me feel.
Bryan from USA It has a positive effect Focusing on the drone requires my full attention so I cannot think about much else
Caesar from USA It has a very positive effect Calming and focusing effect definitely. It relaxes me. I keep one of my didgeridoos at my office where I will play often at the end of the day to 'clear' my mind of all the clatter and tension.
Caleb Schepart from USA It has a very positive effect It is very relaxing great stress reliever helps me focus my positive energy and concentrate my good vibes. It is very empowering brings out my good nature and encourages a kind sense of humour. I can't get enough of it!
Anonymous from Australia It has a very positive effect Its as good as if not better than meditating for me.
Cameron Nelson from USA It has a positive effect It makes me feel smooth riding fun smooth
Carl from United Kingdom It has a very positive effect I was suffering anxiety and depression and have have found that playing Didj has had a calming and assertive effect on my mood in general.
Anonymous I cannot play didj Listening to it transports me to different dimensions!
Carson Keys from USA It has a positive effect After I play the didgeridoo I always feel calmer and more centered. It is a great way for me to relax and let loose of some energy when I have some time. I also get a chance to express creativity in a instrument which I never had a chance to do so before I tried to play the didgeridoo(I haven't been able to play other instruments very well)
Casey from USA It has a positive effect Mind clearing - you can't think about troubles when you're playing!
Charles Dean from USA It has a very positive effect As stated above I find it to be a very good mood enhancer and I find tranquility/peace when ever playing.
Chris from Canada It has a positive effect Relaxing..............
Chris from Canada It has a very positive effect I consider playing didgeridoo a meditative practice as I play I feel a deepening sensation. I think that the combination of actions taking place raises our awareness resulting in brain plasticity evolution. Incorporating rhythmic patterning circular breathing pitch awareness and storytelling all into one activity can result in potent effects. After playing didgeridoo I feel less spacey or static much more grounded and tuned. The drone quality of the didgeridoo is a large factor in its effects. With only one fundamental note to concentrate on choices seem more simple life has more direction....sometimes having all the choices in front of you can limit your freedom... the didgeridoo connects me to source energy at least closer to source then most things I have experienced. Experiencing source energy gives me the confidence to approach what I know is truthful but may seem difficult.
Anonymous It has a positive effect When I'm playing the didge for a while I feel very relaxed and I can express my emotions by playing. Its helps me calming down when I had a stressful day and makes me happy again:)
Cindy from Canada It has a very positive effect Very serine
Colby from USA It has a very positive effect I feel I understand the flow and harmony more I become euphoric. I have come to call this feeling didjed out
Colin from Australia It has a positive effect Helps me understand the aboriginal culture
Anonymous from USA It has a very positive effect I feel very calm and centered and connected to the universe when I play. psychics have described beings that they see overshadowing me when I am do sound healing. It is the best thing for pulling off dead energy and psychic debris. One medium told me she saw these beings crawling in and out of the opening eating the dead energy.
Dain from United Kingdom It has a very positive effect I find that playing - or when I used to play - gives me a release a freedom that playing any musical instrument allows (I also play the guitar). I think that playing a traditional instrument like thus goes even further as it is connecting me to a past way of life something that we - non-aboriginal people - have lost touch with.
Dan from Germany It has a very positive effect I enjoy it and it relaxes me... I have to be present to play with circular breathing

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