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Does playing the didj have any effect on your state of mind?
Please comment on the effects of didj playing on your mind

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Does playing the didj have any effect on your state of mind?

Please comment on the effects of didj playing on your mind

Anonymous It has a positive effect I feel relaxed after playing
Anonymous from Austria It has a positive effect While playing didj I don
Marvin from USA I cannot play didj Stimulating
Matej from Slovenia It has a very positive effect It's meditational.
Anonymous from France It has a positive effect As it has an effect on the health it helps to release the stress and take things more positively
Anonymous from USA It has a very positive effect Feels like I'm in another place
Anonymous from USA It has a positive effect Helps with meditation
Anonymous from USA It has a positive effect See above
Matthew from USA It has a very positive effect The control of my breathing helped with anxiety and rid my mind of negative thoughts. I always felt happy relieved or content after playing.
Matthew from USA It has a positive effect Calming trance like meditation.
Mauricio Maldonado from Mexico It has a positive effect I feel lucky warm proud and closer to earth and nature.
Anonymous It has a very positive effect Calms me down a lot helps me gather focus
Maximiliano from Argentina It has a very positive effect I use didgeridoo for meditation
Megan Holguin from USA It has a very positive effect It makes me simply elated I've dreamed of going to australia since childhood I have always envied and respected the aboriginal culture as well as deeply admired the landscapes whenever I'm sad or feeling down about not being able to go playing the didj makes me feel as though I'm sitting on the dusty red earth and feeling the animals and earth speaking to me
Anonymous It has a positive effect It brings me into a meditative-like state it is very calming and grounding.
Anonymous It has a positive effect Very calming
Michael Baca from USA It has a very positive effect I often use the sound and focus for meditation and trance work.
Michael from USA It has a very positive effect I feel happier and more uplifted when I play. It depends on the rhythm as to how it affects my mind but generally after playing for an extended time my mind becomes relaxed and calm. Some rhythms may invoke more peaceful or meditative feelings whereas some may invoke more upbeat or even intense driving energies but still it is a relaxed and focused mind.
Michael from USA It has a very positive effect See Above
Anonymous It has a positive effect Feel better
Michael O'Neal from USA It has a positive effect Same as above. Effects similar to meditation.
Anonymous It has a very positive effect Didj as with all musical instruments improve self esteem and overall emotional health
Anonymous It has a positive effect Calming
Michael Spring from USA It has a very positive effect Drone is meditative along with controlled breathing
Michael from USA It has a very positive effect Yes it clears my head and puts me in the now
Michael from Belgium It has a very positive effect Every time I play the didgeridoo I gotta think of the great time of my life that I had in Australia. I can literally see the beautiful countryside and waterfalls of Nitmiluk NP before me when I close my eyes!
Anonymous It has a positive effect It calms my mind and helps relieve some stress. It's also just fun to play.
Michele from Italy It has a very positive effect It's like a calling of all energies around you almost like learning the language of the earth. This is not simple relax it is a real healing of the spirit.
Anonymous I cannot play didj Don't know
Anonymous I cannot play didj I suspect it has a calming relaxing effect.
Mike from USA It has a very positive effect Happy almost a euphoric state of mind. Whenever I have had a bad day or something is not going right for me I try and take sometime and go to a peaceful quite place and play for a bit and I cheer right up
Anonymous from Canada It has a positive effect When I play my didge for any more than 10 minutes at a time I feel almost elated. I become relaxed and focus only on what I'm doing with my mouth almost like meditation. It feels like the didge becomes an extension of my voice.
Mike from Canada It has a positive effect Relaxing tranquil
Mike from Belgium It has a positive effect It clears my mind and makes my mouth tingle.
Mike from Canada It has a very positive effect Very calming........goes right through you
Milan from Germany It has a very positive effect Besides of playing with others being a lot of fun and a good possibility to connect playing the didj is a way of relieving stress contemplating and even meditating.
Mimi from USA It has a very positive effect I find it very peaceful tranquil and relaxing.
Anonymous from Israel It has a positive effect I feel free minded
Neil from USA It has a positive effect It's fun. Therefore it relieves stress. And makes me happier.
Nelson from USA It has a positive effect I very much enjoy playing and I try to use it for meditation
Nick from USA It has a very positive effect Again it makes me feel accomplished and good about myself
Anonymous from USA It has a very positive effect It helps bring peace to my mind
Nick from USA It has a very positive effect It relaxes me. I would like to experiment with meditating with the didj. That is actually what led me to this site.
Nick from Australia It has a very positive effect It makes me feel a great deal of satisfaction. It also makes me feel proud to be able to play an instrument that I love and respect that also has such an important cultural significance.
Nona from USA I cannot play didj Still learning
Ori from Israel It has a very positive effect Trans meditation.
Oriol Sanchez Castello from Andorra It has a positive effect My mind become neutral quiet and lighter to fly with it:-) Helps me erasing not useful thinking
Patrice from France It has a very positive effect You cannot play didgeridoo when you are nervous it means that it make you calm and quiet
Patrice from Netherlands It has a positive effect It relaxes
Patrick from USA It has a very positive effect Playing didge is similar to meditating and can relax me anytime.
Paul Sprague from USA It has a very positive effect Gives an airy feeling of resonating with the earth
Pedro from Brazil It has a very positive effect It is a perfect meditation. playing the didge gives me peace of mind and allows me to stay on a very harmonic frequency of calmness and feeling of belonging to the whole universe
Peg Adams from USA It has a very positive effect It clears my mind and makes me happy.
Per Tillisch from USA It has a positive effect Playing any kind of music is good for you
Perry from Canada It has a positive effect It reminds me of all the great times I had while visiting Australia.
Peter Hatt from USA It has a very positive effect Again it is very calming and soothing. It helps me put life into perspective. I especially like playing on my back porch during a thunder storm!
Peter from Netherlands It has a very positive effect Meditative relaxing energizes
Philip from Australia It has a very positive effect Calming become closer to nature
Philippe Groleau from Canada It has a positive effect It releases a bit of stress at least when I play it I don'T think to anything else.
Anonymous from Canada It has a very positive effect I can easily daydream when the eyes shut. It's a pleasant vibration

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