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Which Australian Aboriginal issues are you familiar with?

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Name and Country

Which Australian Aboriginal issues are you familiar with?

Chris from Canada Aboriginal Self-Government; Education; "The Stolen Generation"; Land
John Watson from USA Unknown; unknown
Jo-ellyn from USA Bush issues; food issues
Tony from Australia Land rights; stolen generation
Simone from Italy Voting rights; stolen generations
Brian from United Kingdom Lost generation; Land rights
Karen Gulley from USA None; none; none; none
Anonymous None; none
Stephen Pretty from Australia Stolen generation; health; death in custodies
Heather from USA Decline of Clans; Decline of trades
Anonymous from USA Honestly don't know; again don't know
Anonymous None; none; none; none
Romaine Adella from USA Land issues; Crocodile Dundee
Anonymous None; None
Chase from Canada Education & Employment; Life Expectancy; Health
Bradley from USA Na; na
Anonymous None; none
Anonymous Authenticity Issues; termites; difficult harvesting
Anonymous They had black mothers and white fathers and were treated horrible; none
Anonymous Hunger; Drought; Discrimination
Anonymous from USA Human Rights; Political Rights; Poverty; US hearing on the news about crime and violence
Jeannie from USA Extinction; racism; life expectancy is lower
Anonymous Taking the land; Not granting rights; The lost children.
Anonymous Alcohol abuse; Drug use
Anonymous None; none
Jean from USA Equal rights; employment; poverty
Willard from USA I would imagine health & education just like here in the U.S. with our indigenous peoples.; As it is here in the U.S. I'm sure that prejudice is an issue.
Anonymous from USA The 'stolen generations'; health issues
Colby from USA Land dispossession; Full generation cultural reprogramming
Anonymous from USA I'm sorry, none; I'm sorry, none
Anonymous Weffwe; fwefew
Emily from USA I don't know; I don't know
Anonymous None; none
Pauline from Canada Loss of culture; Loss of languages
Melissa Baldwin from USA None; none; none; none
Anonymous from Germany Health issues; lot of unemployment; often lower education than white australians
Ver Desarraigamiento de costumbres; ecol
Anonymous None; none
Nelson from USA Land issues; segregation
Ariella Trotti from Italy Alcoholism; racial integration; no respect of sacred place for aboriginal from non aboriginal people to make money with mines
Anonymous "The Stolen Generations"; Racism
Timur Paltuyev from Kazakhstan Discrimination; Education; Health; Mortality rate
Anonymous from USA None; None
Anonymous from USA Cultural preservation and reclamation; racism/discrimination
Oriol Sanchez Castello from Andorra White man occupation; Alcohol destruction; transition to modern lifestyle
Anonymous The taking of children; n/a
Jerome from Us Minor Outlying Islands N/a; none; n
Beaux from USA N/a; n/a
Dawn from USA Didjes; drums
Gerald Storrs from USA Civil rights issues for Aborigines; employment; maintaining old customs
Ruby from USA None really; none
Francois from Belgium Stolen generation; Segregation of aboriginal people in the 19th century
Matej from Slovenia Don't know any; Don't know any
Kieran from South Africa Loss of culture through colonisation; World War 2
Bryan from USA Land rights; Stolen generations
Stephen from USA Discrimination; unemployment; education; alcohol
Doug from USA The stolen generation; ongoing intolerance; cultural erasure attempts; don't know
Anonymous from USA Racism; removal of children; health issues; exploitation of art
Gabriel Solis from Costa Rica The Stolen Generations; oldest living culture on the planet.; didgeridoo as the first interment in the planet
Anonymous from USA Segregation; Housing
Bob from USA Mabo decision; 1975 Racial Discrimination
Franck from France Nomadic; racism
Michael Baca from USA Racism; Cheap junk didgeridoo's being sold/stolen; Theft of their land and raping of their culture.; Chronic health problems, mortality rate, superimposed society of the Western society
John from USA Loss of land; building of Didgeridoos
Anonymous He son, daughter; familiar
Anonymous Yolgnu; don't know
Anonymous Land rights; alcoholism
Anonymous Loss of land; loss of culture
Marlo from Ireland The unfair treatment executed by the Australian government in the past towards the native aborigines; alcohol problems
Anonymous Not sure; not sure
Anonymous Poverty; health; education
Anonymous Land protection; health/education
Anonymous Oppression; Health issues
Anonymous They're great musicians!; health problems?
Anonymous from Canada I THINK land dispute; A constant racial discrimination; Lack of respect towards social identity; Self governing
Frank from USA Reeducation Programs; Resettlement Programs; Substance Abuse
Anonymous Lost culture; alcohol
David from Australia Over representation in Jail; Homelessness; Alcohol and drug abuse
Nathan from Brazil Music; art
Don from USA Integration into white society; Ancestral Land; Health; maintaining traditions
Anonymous from USA Racism; genocide
Anonymous Languages dieing out; land; foreigners
Sonya from Canada Environmental; land issues
Anonymous Separation of aboriginal children from their families until the late 60's; Health issues, under employment, lack of education, poverty and crime, mostly in remote settlements
Kevin from USA I don't want to make anything up so my answer; Is, embarrassingly, none.
Richard Macias from USA Preservation of language and culture; The stolen generation; Racism; human rights,,debates over land,, burial grounds,,
Bill from USA Relocation; economic poverty
Antoni from Spain Painting bodies; hair uncut
David from USA None; None
Anonymous from Australia Poverty; alcoholism
Mikael from Denmark None; unfortunately
Peter Hatt from USA Lost language; unfair treatment by white settlers
Charles Dean from USA Discrimination; Forced Integration; Government Brutality; Health Concerns
Jared from USA Rights issues; health and education
Andy from United Kingdom Unfairly removed from their lands; poorly treated by today's people

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