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ERA signs Jabiluka uranium mine agreement

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 25 February 2005

A historic agreement on the future of the abandoned Jabiluka uranium mine site has been signed by traditional owners and mining company Energy Resources of Australia (ERA).

In 2003, ERA filled in the Jabiluka site at Kakadu National Park and promised it would not mine there without Aboriginal consent.

The Gundjehmi Aboriginal Corporation representing the Mirarr people has described the signing as a "sweet victory".

Traditional owners now have the deciding vote on future operations at the site.

Labor Senator for the Northern Territory, Trish Crossin, says she is confident traditional owners will not weaken their resolve and allow mining to recommence at the Jabiluka uranium mine.

Senator Crossin says traditional owners will come under significant pressure to seek an alternative income when the Ranger uranium mine, also located within Kakadu, closes in 2010.

"We have to encourage those people to look at alternative revenue other than just to turn to another uranium mine," she said.

"[We have] absolute confidence that those people will stand firm in their stead and they will be creative, they're very passionate people and they will look and turn to alternative income and I have no doubt in that."

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