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Now to the story...

ATSIC commissioner criticises land privatisation plan

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 18 February 2005

ATSIC central zone commissioner Alison Anderson says she is concerned about the first signs of a lack of representation of Aboriginal people since the abolition of ATSIC.

The Federal Government's new National Indigenous Council met yesterday and reportedly discussed giving Aboriginal people private ownership of communal land.

The idea has reportedly come from council member Warren Mundine.

Ms Anderson says Mr Mundine should consult with the people affected by his proposal.

"He's talking about communal land - then he needs to come and talk to traditional owners who it's going to affect," she said.

"That negotiation and consultation can only be done by the Central Land Council here in central Australia so he needs to really be upfront."

"Don't be afraid to come and talk to Indigenous people."

Warren Mundine refused to confirm if communal land was brought up at yesterday's meeting.

He says the council's discussions are confidential.

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