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Crocodile clears Darwin swimming pool

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 30 January 2005

A one-metre salt water crocodile has been found swimming in a public pool in Palmerston, south of Darwin.

Swimmers discovered the young male saltie lurking amongst them at Palmerston Leisure Centre's olympic-size pool this morning.

After a quick exodus from the water, police and Parks and Wildlife staff were called in.

Clay Smith, from the parks service, says the crocodile was placid and seemed in poor health, making him easier to catch.

Mr Smith says swimmers were not in much danger.

"He'd be dangerous if you grabbed him, he might cause some lacerations in your hand if you grabbed him, but that'd be about all," Mr Smith said.

Five minutes after the reptile had been netted, lap swimmers were back in the water.

Mr Smith says the while a salt water source is close by, it would have been a long and dangerous trek for a juvenile in the crocodile's condition.

The saltie has been taken to a crocodile farm on the outskirts of Darwin.

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