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Now to the story...

NT backs Indigenous health funding call

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 28 January 2005

The Northern Territory Government has thrown its support behind the Australian Medical Association's (AMA) call for an extra $400 million in federal funding for Indigenous health.

The Northern Territory has an Indigenous population of nearly 30 per cent.

Health Minister Peter Toyne says extra money is needed to improve services.

Dr Toyne is chairing today's Australian health ministers meeting in Sydney where he says the allocation of federal money to Indigenous health will be discussed.

"Under the new arrangements post-ATSIC, we'd certainly want to see that the effort is not only maintained but actually increased," he said.

"We're not trying to lay off some of the Northern Territory responsibilities to the Federal Government, all we're saying is that the problem is larger than the resource base at the moment."

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