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Now to the story...

AMA seeks more funds for Indigenous health

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 27 January 2005

Lobby groups have already begun their pitch for more funding from the Federal Government ahead of the May Budget.

The Australian Medical Association (AMA) has released its submission today.

The submission calls for an extra $720 million to improve health care for Indigenous Australians, the mentally ill and the disabled.

AMA president Bill Glasson says $400 million should go to Indigenous Australians alone, because their health and living conditions are at third world levels.

Dr Glasson has seized on Prime Minister John Howard's Australia Day address, where he said he looked forward to Indigenous Australians enjoying the country's benefits and bounty.

"I call upon the Prime Minister, who yesterday highlighted the important issue about Indigenous people sharing the full enjoyment of the bounty of Australia, and ask him to extend that to the Budget for 2005 to 2006," he said.

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