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Now to the story...

Beattie tells Yanner to 'grow up' over airfare dispute

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 20 December 2004

Queensland Premier Peter Beattie has told Murrandoo Yanner to "grow up", over the Palm Island airfare affair.

Mr Beattie has also ridiculed the Opposition's plan to refer the matter to the Crime and Misconduct Commission (CMC).

Mr Yanner says the office of Indigenous Policy Minister Liddy Clark tried to cover-up its plan to pay for his airfare to the island last week.

Mr Beattie says that is rubbish.

"Murrandoo should grow up, I mean he knows all this does is damage Indigenous people," he said.

Acting opposition leader Jeff Seeney says the payment cover-up claims are serious.

"Associating with Murrandoo Yanner in the first place was stupid," he said.

"It was a hundred times more stupid to try and cover that up."

Mr Beattie has scoffed at Mr Seeney's threat to go to the CMC today.

"Look they can go to the CMC today, they can go to the Pope tomorrow, they can go to God the day afterwards," he said.

The Premier says Liddy Clark will keep her job.

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