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Now to the story...

Hundreds attend Doomadgee's funeral

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 11 December 2004

Palm Island elders in north Queensland have called for justice rather than division at the funeral of Cameron Doomadgee.

Mr Doomadgee's death in police custody late last month sparked riots and protests.

Mourners gathered outside the church and under a mango tree for today's funeral.

Mr Doomadgee's mother Doris was unable to attend the funeral due to a terminal illness.

In a tribute, Eric Doomadgee said his father Cameron was the best father a son could hope for.

Palm Island Council chairwoman Erykah Kyle also paid tribute to Mr Doomadgee.

She told the congregation that his death should never have happened.

The congregation were also told to remember the 19 men arrested after last month's riot.

The men were released on bail earlier this week on the condition they would not return to the island, even for today's funeral.

The police presence at the funeral was small. Just one senior inspector, who is a family friend, attended the service.

The funeral service coincides with a national day of action in Brisbane over Aboriginal deaths in custody.

Mr Doomadgee, 36, was found dead in a cell at the Palm Island watch house while in police custody late last month, sparking riots and protests.

Mr Doomadgee's death is the subject of a Crime and Misconduct Commission inquiry.

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