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Now to the story...

Police appeal for Palm Is funeral calm

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 30 November 2004

Queensland Police Commissioner Bob Atkinson is appealing to Palm Islanders in north Queensland to ensure the funeral for Cameron Doomadgee is without incident.

Mr Doomadgee died more than a week ago while in police custody.

The state coroner has ordered a second autopsy after the first showed he died from broken ribs and a ruptured liver.

Commissioner Atkinson says it is important that the funeral is peaceful.

"[We will] work with the community and the family to ensure that the funeral is conducted in a respectful and a safe way without incident," he said.

"My appeal continues to members of the Palm Island community to support us to ensure that that happens later in the week.

"That's terribly important. After the funeral takes places, there'll be an opportunity to move forward with the community in a very positive way."

Meanwhile, police officers who are permanently employed on Palm Island have the chance to transfer off the island.

Commissioner Atkinson says the offer is reasonable and fair.

"My reading of it at this stage, even though there's no final conclusion, is that probably not all but probably most would take up that offer in the short term," he said.

"We'll police the island through rotating people through there for relatively short periods and we'll advertise the vacant positions."

Police on the island are still searching for a police firearm that was stolen during Friday's riot.

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