Australian Aboriginal News & Current Affairs
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Now to the story...

Liberals to pursue 'practical reconciliation'

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 15 September 2004

The federal Liberal party says it will continue to pursue practical reconciliation with Indigenous Australians if it wins the election.

The ALP launched its $350 million Indigenous affairs policy today and promised improvements in Indigenous health, education and jobs.

Indigenous Affairs Minister Amanda Vanstone says Labor's plan for regional advisory bodies will create an unnecessary level of bureaucracy.

Senator Vanstone says today's announcement does little to make up the losses Indigenous Australians will suffer under Labor's family policies.

"I'm particularly concerned about Labor's tax policy and it's devastating impact on Indigenous communities," she said.

"Most Indigenous families would have one income - they might be a couple or might be a sole parent - and they will have two or more kids, and under Labor's policy they're going to lose."

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