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Indigenous tourism venture worries animal campaigners

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 2 September 2004

A Northern Territory animal welfare advocate fears rich tourists will hunt protected native wildlife at an Aboriginal community, south of Alice Springs.

A joint venture between a Sydney-based tourism company and the Titjikala Aboriginal community will charge tourists $1,000 for a night with Indigenous people.

Visitors will spend the night in luxurious tents and hunt for traditional bush tucker.

Animal campaigner Gillian Hunter says the killing of protected animals such as goannas and snakes carries a penalty of $50,000 for individuals and $250,000 for organisations.

"That's for our traditional Aboriginal bush tucker. It's not for rich tourists, it's not to make money out of," he said.

"You can't make a dollar out of every single thing. Some things need protection, we won't have any wildlife left if we just keep going on at this rate."

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