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Now to the story...

Claims funding crisis is 'stealing' indigenous children

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on March 9th, 2002.

Indigenous women say their children are still being stolen away from them because of a funding crisis in community legal services.

Solicitors from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women's Legal and Advocacy Service have told a meeting of legal professionals and interest groups in Brisbane that indigenous woman are not receiving adequate support because of a lack of resources.

Solicitor Kerryn Ruska says the organisation has seen an increase in the number of women losing their children through the child protection and juvenile justice system simple because legal representation is not available for them.

"So many women that we see have sad stories to tell they're devastated to lose their children and feel that they've been judged to be failures as mothers," she said.

"When you put this in context, in the history of the stolen generation you can see why in the view of many of our women nothing has changed."



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