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Now to the story...

Traditional owners welcome Gammon Ranges decision

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on May 6th, 2002.

The traditional owners of South Australia's Gammon Ranges National Park have complimented both the former Liberal and current Labor state governments for saving the area from mining.

It follows last week's announcement that State Cabinet has decided to re-proclaim the Gammon Ranges National Park.

The chairman of the Adnyamathanha Traditional Lands Association, Vince Coulthard, says a valuable and unique part of South Australia has been saved.

"If the mining had occurred there it'd absolutely destroy such a beautiful part of the Flinders Ranges," he said.

"I mean there's the yellow-footed rock wallaby, the spotted gudgeon, I mean it's a magic little gorge, a lot of natural heritage there and
there's the other side of it, from a Aboriginal perspective there's a lot of history there.

"Mining in there would have totally destroyed a unique area."



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