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Now to the story...

More indigenous workers to join forest efforts

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on May 17th, 2002.

NSW State Forests says it is expecting more Aboriginal workers to join its ranks or provide consultancy on the heritage values of forests.

The agency is applying for grants to provide more traineeships and scholarships, an initiative announced at an annual meeting of Aboriginal cultural heritage officers and trainees at Valla on the NSW mid-north coast.

The deputy general manager of native forests, John Fisher, says his officers can learn a lot from a section of the community already active in managing known areas of cultural significance.

"In the Hastings we've engaged quite a number of communities in consultative and joint-venture programs like weed control and cultural heritage awareness programs and inspecting," he said.

"We do free harvesting inspections of every compartment we propose for harvesting. We invite and involve the community in inspecting any areas that may have some cultural significance.

"I think it has been successful to date for both parties."



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