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Now to the story...

Traditional owners dispute court dugong finding

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on March 8th, 2002.

Mackay traditional elders say they are disappointed over the acquittal of a man who killed a dugong at Clairview three years ago.

Bevan Charles Barba, 39, pleaded not guilty in Mackay District Court, claiming he took the protected species for an indigenous feast and to teach his son how to hunt in the traditional way.

Mackay elder, Gary Mooney, says dugongs are not allowed to be taken without a hunting permit from traditional owners.

"The traditional owners of the Mackay district do not support the not guilty decision that was made by the court.

"As far as I was concerned there was no consultation in regards to talking to traditional owners of the area and no hunting permit, that is the main thing."



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