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Now to the story...

WWF to extend WA conservation initiatives

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on April 16th, 2002.

The Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) is launching a new program of conservation activities for Western Australia.

The western region manager, Jane Madgwick, says WWF's program will be significantly extended.

She says a new project to conserve woodland birds such as the mallee fowl will be launched in the wheatbelt.

Three community wetlands projects will be developed along the Ord River in the Kimberley.

Ms Madgwick says WWF will encourage Aboriginal involvement in conservation projects in the central deserts for threatened species such as the bilby and the black footed rock wallaby.

She says the program is being extended to overcome the conservation challenges the state faces.

"It's really recognising that this is a particularly special part of Australia in terms of [the] number of species that are here, the range of environments, [and there is] a lot of the growing pressures on those environments," she said.



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