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Now to the story...

Rejection of Stolen Generation case alarming: NT Attorney-General

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on May 6th, 2002.

The Northern Territory's Attorney-General says the failure of two Territory members of the Stolen Generation to win a High Court appeal is a wake-up call.

The High Court has rejected Lorna Cubillo and Peter Gunner's appeal against the Federal Court denying them compensation.

The Federal Court ruled the pair had run out of time to have their case heard because the Commonwealth argued the incidents occurred about 40 years ago.

The Attorney-General Peter Toyne says it demonstrates that more needs to be done to help Stolen Generation members including helping them trace their parents.

"I'd like to think that the decision is a wake-up call for us and a further reminder that there are issues still to resolve from the families of the Stolen Generation."



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