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Spears fly in gold mine feud

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 25 August 2004


A dispute between Aboriginal groups over an agreement with the controversial Lake Cowal gold mine, near West Wyalong on the NSW central western slopes, appears to have turned ugly.

In an ongoing court battle, the Supreme Court ruled the Condobolin Wiradjuri people were the traditional owners of the mine land regarding claims.

However, this is disputed by the Mooka and Kalara United Family, headed by long-time mine opponent Neville Williams.

John Daley, a director of the Wiradjuri Condobolin Corporation, says while the dispute is about mining royalties, he believes it has now become personal.

Late last week, spears where thrown into the front doors of the Condobolin houses of two leaders of the Wiradjuri and pieces of dead kangaroo were also left.

Mr Daley says the incidents are being treated seriously as the spears could have killed someone.

"With the force of the spear that penetrated my front door, if it had come through the door it had the potential to do a lot of damage because at that time there was my wife, myself and four young girls that were in and out, in and out and it was only 10 minutes after the girls had left that the spear was thrown into the door," he said.

Mr Williams says he has heard about the spearing incidents in Condobolin but does not know the details and denies there is evidence to link his group.

He says it is time people woke up to the potential environmental consequences of the Lake Cowal gold mine.

He says the open pit with potential cyanide leaching is a disaster waiting to happen in the Murray Darling Basin.


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