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Hickey inquest adjourned

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 8 July 2004


The coronial inquest into the death which sparked the Redfern riot in Sydney has been adjourned until Monday.

Senior Constable Michael Hollingsworth was due to give evidence today about his actions on the day in February, when Thomas 'TJ' Hickey suffered fatal injuries after crashing his bike.

Senior Constable Hollingsworth is the last of four key police officers scheduled to give evidence.

Today he appointed solicitor Ken Madden to individually represent him at the inquest, and Mr Madden was granted an application to have the hearing adjourned until Monday.

TJ Hickey died in February after crashing his bike and becoming impaled on a fence.

The inquest has heard that shortly before he crashed, Senior Constable Hollingsworth was driving police paddy wagon Redfern 16 along a footpath with TJ Hickey about 50 metres in front.

He and the three other officers who saw the 17-year-old that morning deny he was being followed or chased.


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