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Dignitaries join memorial for ATSIC leader

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 13 June 2004


A memorial service for former ATSIC chairman Mr Djerrkura has begun in the small Aboriginal community of Yirrkala in East Arnhem Land.

Dignitaries from around Australia have travelled to Mr Djerrkura's home to pay their respects to the senior Yolgnu elder of the Wanguri clan.

He has been described at the semi-traditional service as a fighter and warrior.

Mr Djerrkura was the head of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission from 1996 until 1999.

He was awarded the Order of Australia Medal in 1984 for services to the Aboriginal community.

Those attending the service include federal Indigenous Affairs Minister Amanda Vanstone and Northern Territory Chief Minister Clare Martin.

Mr Djerrkura was 54 when he passed away.


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