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Media banned from Redfern inquiry

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 19 May 2004


The New South Wales Opposition says it is disturbed about the handling of conflict at the parliamentary inquiry into the Redfern riot three months ago.

Repeated clashes between MPs at the start of the inquiry yesterday prompted the closure of the hearing to observers and the media.

Shadow Police Minister Peter Debnam says there appeared to be a reluctance to explore critical views.

Mr Debnam says he has serious doubts about the ability of the inquiry to investigate the truth about policing in Redfern.

"Whenever we got to a difficult point in the hearings the media were thrown out or the chairman took control again and that's got to be disturbing," he said.

"I think eventually you're going to see the truth come out in the media, probably not all come out through the committee."


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