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Vanstone reviews Imparja's funding over booze ads

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 20 April 2004


Alice Springs-based broadcaster Imparja says the continuation of its Federal funding will depend on its service level, not on whether it advertises alcohol.

Indigenous Affairs Minister Amanda Vanstone says she is not happy with Imparja's decision to accept alcohol advertising and is reviewing its funding.

Network spokesman Alastair Feehan says it has held initial talks with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Service (ATSIS) about the controversial move but no decision has been made.

Mr Feehan says the funding is used to provide an important service to remote Australia.

"Are those services worth maintaining to remote Australia," he asked.

"In terms of what's happening to the money they put out, I think if they can invest or if anybody can invest $2 million worth of funds and get $6 million in return you'd be quite happy."

"There was a grand misconception that because Imparja had said that we would accept alcohol advertising, that the manufacturers and distributors of alcoholic product would immediately double their budgets into this area and buy twice as much," he said.

"The reality is that they haven't increased their budgets or decreased their budgets one way or the other, they've just got different options."

The broadcaster has run between 10 to 15 campaigns in the past month.


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