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Premier to look into Redfern riot criticisms

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 17 March 2004


The New South Wales Premier has vowed to seriously examine damning criticisms by a former police inspector about police tactics during last month's Redfern riot.

The former officer claims the tactics endangered the lives of frontline officers.

Around 40 officers were injured in the riot after being pelted with bricks and Molotov cocktails.

Retired former chief inspector Thomas Lupton, an expert on riot control, has written to Premier Bob Carr claiming that the decision by police commanders to have officers remain static on the frontline only spurred the rioters on to greater violence.

He says it was embarrassing to watch and put the lives of officers and citizens at risk.

The Premier says he will see police seriously consider the criticisms.

Mr Lupton also says police injured in the riot should seek compensation.


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