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Safety plan calls for Redfern renewal

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 11 March 2004


The City of Sydney has endorsed a plan to renew Redfern, including the area known as 'the Block'.

Called the Community Safety Plan, it follows 18 months of consultation with local groups,and proposes measures including extra support from drug action and welfare teams, live music, designs for safety, a new community centre, an open-air cinema and street parties.

The former mayor of South Sydney and one of the city's three commissioners, Tony Pooley, says the plan would also see the roller-shuttered shops on Redfern Street phased out.

"Council's regularly receive DAs for the refurbishment of shops," he said.

"We want to take that opportunity when people are refurbishing shops to say 'there are ways you can keep your shop safe without having a roller shutter', which after 6pm creates a quite intimidating atmosphere on Redfern Street when all the roller shutters come down at the same time."


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