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Land council wants native title funds review

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 3 March 2004


An Aboriginal land council in Western Australia's Kimberley region is calling for an urgent Federal Government review of what it calls a "crisis" in the native title system.

The Kimberley Land Council (KLC) hopes to meet the Indigenous Affairs Minister this week to ask for more funding.

The KLC says it needs $1.2 million now, or it will be forced to call for adjournments on several claims, including "Rubibi", which covers Broome and surrounds.

The council's executive director, Wayne Bergmann, says the drastic under-funding of land councils around the country cannot continue.

"The Federal Court and the National Native Title Tribunal have a large proportion of the funds...initially the Minister should be looking at taking back of the fundings available to those two areas and providing them to rep bodies to pursue their statutory responsibilities," he said.


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