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Choir gets long-awaited festival call-up

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 29 February 2004


An Aboriginal choir from South Australia's far north has finally performed at the Adelaide Festival of Arts, nearly 40 years after first trying to take part.

In 1966, the "Ernabella Mission Choir" was not allowed to perform in the festival, instead holding its own concert in an Adelaide church.

Today, the renamed "Pitjantjatjara Choir" performed at the Pilgrim Church in Flinders Street, and on Wednesday they will be part of the world premiere of Peter Sculthorpe's Requiem at the Adelaide Town Hall.

Yanyi Bandicha is one of four original choir members who came to Adelaide in 1966, and she says it is an emotional time for the singers.

"It's nice to be singing together with the other lot, with the other members of the choir, and we are really happy that we can sing," she said.


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