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Babies offered uni music course

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 3 February 2004


Babies will be able to enrol at the Australian National University in Canberra as part of a new music course aimed at boosting self-esteem.

The course is based on a four-year study which found learning music from birth can help in every aspect of a child's development.

Dr Jolanta Kalandyk-Gallagher, who teaches the course says as well as promoting a love of music, children learn important life skills including leadership and how to show initiative.

"We know that the music contributes greatly to the overall academic development," Dr Kalandyk-Gallagher said.

"Children actually learn better at school, they read better, they write more expressively, they actually express themselves more freely in the classroom.

"They basically develop the general self-esteem that will actually help them in every area of their lives."


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