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Now to the story...


Springborg hears Indigenous child abuse concerns

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 1 February 2004


Queensland Opposition leader Lawrence Springborg has met Indigenous leaders in the south Burnett community of Cherbourg to hear their concerns about child abuse.

The women say they also asked Premier Peter Beattie to visit Cherbourg but he declined until after the election.

Mr Springborg says he is shocked at the horrific stories of abuse and failings in the justice system.

He denies he is trying to make political mileage out of the issue.

"Mr Beattie said when he called this election [that] this election was about the kids," he said.

"I can tell you that Mr Beattie should be here today listening to what these ladies are saying about what's happening to their kids, and what's happening to their grandkids.

"That's what's gone ignored by Mr Beattie and his Government and authorities throughout Queensland."


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