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NT plans Indigenous croc safari jobs

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 7 January 2004


The Northern Territory Government says Aboriginal communities on Arnhem Land or on the Tiwi Islands north of Darwin have the potential to run safari hunts for saltwater crocodiles.

NT Parks and Wildlife Minister Chris Burns supports the proposal included as part of a draft management plan for the reptile which was released last year.

The public has until January 23 to comment on the plan, but Federal Government officials have already indicated they do not support safari hunts for crocodiles, saying it contravenes the international convention on trade on endangered species.

Mr Burns says he has not officially heard from Federal Environment Minister Dr David Kemp and he is hoping to lobby him to support it.

"Certainly it opens up avenues for Aboriginal people in terms of their economy and they look upon the crocodile as a resource, as a very important part of their lives, and I think it is a very interesting proposal," Mr Burns said.


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