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Now to the story...


No suspects in tent embassy arson: police

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 19 December 2003


ACT police say security tapes from Old Parliament House have not helped them identify who carried out an arson attack on the Aboriginal Tent Embassy in June.

Residents at the Aboriginal Tent Embassy have been trying to get access to the security tapes from Old Parliament House from the night its information centre was destroyed by fire.

The arsonist destroyed the temporary building and all the documents collected by residents over the embassy's 31-year history.

The shipping container was one of the original tent embassy buildings.

ACT police say they are no closer to finding those responsible but that they have been liasing with residents since the attack.

The residents are now demanding the police hand over the results the investigation into the crime.

Police say no evidence was found during a forensic examination of the building and no one has been identified from the security tapes.

A police spokesman says despite a lack of evidence the case remains open.


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