Australian Aboriginal News & Current Affairs

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Indigenous leaders seek SA treaty

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 18 December 2003


Njarrindjeri leaders have demanded the recognition of Indigenous ownership of traditional lands and waters in a petition to South Australian Governor Marjorie Jackson Nelson.

They say the petition calls for a treaty between the South Australia and Indigenous people, who are not recognised nor have any rights under the State constitution.

Njarrindjeri spokesman Matt Rigney says there are no demands for an apology or compensation.

"Let's develop a partnership here and move forward," he said.

"We have no rights in terms of our practices of our cultural traditions, our language, our education, our laws, all of those sorts of things which have been denied us."

The petition was presented exactly 80 years after a Njarrindjeri petition called unsuccessfully for the repeal of an Act allowing for Aboriginal children to be taken from their families from age 14.


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