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Concert celebrates Jabiluka rehabilitation

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 4 November 2003


The rehabilitation of the former Jabiluka uranium mine site in the Northern Territory has been celebrated with a party and concert at nearby Jabiru.

Work on the mine stopped due to falling uranium prices and after international opposition from environmentalists and the traditional owners, the Mirrar people.

The mine opening is now being filled with 50,000 tonnes of ore.

Yothu Yindi and former Midnight Oil frontman Peter Garrett were special guests at last night's celebrations, with Garrett saying the site's rehabilitation is the culmination of a great environmental struggle.

"In the long-term we'd like to see this Jabiluka mining lease re-incorporated into the Kakadu National Park and the traditional owners maintain their rights over it," he said.

"But simply for there not to be any more uranium mining within Kakadu. But for the moment Jabiluka is being filled and that is quite a profound and extraordinary state of affairs."


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