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Now to the story...


AMA calls for Indigenous health boost

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 28 October 2003


The Australian Medical Association (AMA) wants the Federal Government to allocate $250 million annually for five years to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health.

It says the money should be focused on extending the primary health care access program, increasing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment in the health sector and increasing health service infrastructure in communities.

The AMA's Council of General Practice chair, Dr David Rivett, says the extra funds are long overdue.

"It was required some years ago," Dr Rivett said.

"We have gotten an appalling state now where if we look at death rates, aged standardised mortality death rates are approximately three times higher than the rest of the population.

"Life expectancy in our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population group is still pretty appalling in western world standards."


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