Australian Aboriginal News & Current Affairs

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Senate report aims to put reconciliation back on track

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 9 October 2003


A report resulting from a year-long inquiry into Aboriginal reconciliation in Australia has recommended greater accountability from government departments involved in Indigenous issues.

The report, titled 'Reconciliation: Off Track', has been tabled in the Senate.

The Senate committee compiling the report has made 20 recommendations towards advancing national reconciliation.

These include incorporating reporting on Indigenous problems into performance agreements for chief executive officers of Commonwealth departments.

It also suggests government agencies provide detailed information on Indigenous outcomes in annual reports.

A referendum on inserting a preamble to the Constitution recognising Aboriginal people as Australia's first inhabitants is another recommendation.

The report is the result of 80 submissions and several public hearings around the country.

It is currently being debated in the Senate.


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