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Qld Govt rejects Indigenous stolen wages claim

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 30 September 2003


The Queensland Government says "a few postcards" will not make it increase its stolen wages compensation offer after Indigenous leaders renewed a protest campaign.

The Aboriginal Co-ordinating Council (ACC) says the Government's stolen wages offer is not good enough.

ACC deputy chairman Alfred Lacey says tens of thousands of postcards will be sent to the Premier.

"Our people will be scrutinising who we vote for this year or the coming year in terms of State elections," he said.

The Premier concedes that could be politically damaging.

"Yes, it can be but you know we try and be fair about these things," he said.

Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Policy Judy Spence says there are more important issues.

"I don't think a few postcards are really going to change our mind," she said.

"We're focused on improving the lives of Aboriginal people, that's whey we've got this Indigenous business forum happening at Parliament house today."

Ms Spence says the Co-ordinating Council should have the same focus.


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